Topic: 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century)
During the transformative period of the 16th to 18th centuries, the notion of the State evolved into a nearly mystical entity, perceived as immortal and worthy of the ultimate sacrifice. This section delves into the complex interplay between sovereignty, resistance, and sacrifice, a theme explored by early proponents of political tolerance. It also examines revolutionary acts and regicide, viewed through the lens of sacrificial rites. This section includes early modern printed and iconographic sources, along with a comprehensive bibliography from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing a historical and modern perspective on this complex theme
Philosophia secreta: donde debaxo de historias fabulosas se contiene mucha doctrina prouechosa a todos estudios: con el origen de los idolos, o Dioses de la gentilidad
Çaragoça: Miguel Fortuño Sanchez, 1599.
The Royal Martyr: Or, the Life and Death of King Charles I
London: J.M.; Richard Royston, 1676.
Canterburies doome, or, The first part of a compleat history of the commitment, charge, tryall, condemnation, execution of William Laud, late Arch-bishop of Canterbury containing the severall orders, articles, proceedings in Parliament against him, from his first accusation therein, till his tryall: together with the various evidences and proofs produced against him at the Lords Bar: wherein this Arch-prelates manifold trayterous artifices to usher in popery by degrees, are cleerly detected, and the ecclesiasticall history of our church-affaires, during his pontificall domination, faithfully presented to the publike view of the world by William Prynne, of Lincolns Inne, Esquire
London: John Macock, 1646.
3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
Ristretto della vita e martirio di S. Simone fanciullo di Trento e fatto ristampare con una breve appendice da d. Francesco Rovira Bonet rettor de' Catecumeni, e parroco di S. Salvatore a' Monti
Roma: Giovanni Bartolomicchi, 1775.
Verísima relación del riguroso y acervo martyrio que la reyna inglesa dio á dos soldados de nuestra nación española, del exército del Príncipe Cardenal, y de cómo la sereníssima Virgen les manifestó el martirio que havian de pasar, juntamente con el convertimiento de seis judíos que recibieron el mismo martirio muriendo empalados. En 17 de mayo de 1596 años. Con un romance al cabo.
Alcalá de Henares: Herederos de Sebastián Martínez, 1596.
Delle tragedie sacre e morali raccolte dal signor abbate Don Martino la Farina. 12: Delle tragedie sacre e morali del molto reverendo padre Hortensio Scammacca della Compagnia di Giesu lentinese
Palermo: Decio Cirillo, 1648.
Stuart Koningliik door rampen verdrukt en verheerliikt
Amsterdam: n.p., [1688].
The Protectors Protection, or, the Pious Prince Guarded by a Praying People. A Sermon Preached at St. Edmundsbury in Suffolk, Upon the 13 Octob. 1658, Being a Day Set Apart for Solemn Fasting and Humiliation and Seeking a Blessing Upon His Highness the Lord Protector
London: T. J.; William Fisher, 1659.
La methode d’etudier et d’enseigner Chrétiennement et solidement les lettres humaines par rapport aux lettres divines et aux Écritures. Tome II. De l’etude des poëtes, où les divinitez de la fable sont rapportées à l’histoire de l’Ecriture, ou à l’histoire profane, ou àl’histoire naturelle
Paris: François Muguet, 1682.
Passio Beati Simonis pueri
Nürnberg: Friedrich Creussner, 1475.