Topic: 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century)
During the transformative period of the 16th to 18th centuries, the notion of the State evolved into a nearly mystical entity, perceived as immortal and worthy of the ultimate sacrifice. This section delves into the complex interplay between sovereignty, resistance, and sacrifice, a theme explored by early proponents of political tolerance. It also examines revolutionary acts and regicide, viewed through the lens of sacrificial rites. This section includes early modern printed and iconographic sources, along with a comprehensive bibliography from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing a historical and modern perspective on this complex theme
Konincklick memoriael. Waer in het innerlijk gemoet van sijne H. Majesteyt Carolus Stuart, Koninck van Engelandt, Schotlandt en Yrlandt, naer 't leven afgebeeldt wordt. In sijne gevanckenis en lijdsaemheyt by hem selver in 't Engelsch beschreven; en in Nederduytsch vertaelt
Amsterdam: Joost Hartgerts, 1649.
Mártires de Turón. Notas biográficas y reseñas del martirio de los religiosos bárbaramente asesinados por los revolucionarios de Turón (Asturias) 9 Octubre 1934
Madrid: La Instrucción Popular - Imprenta E. Mestre, 1935.
Restitution to the royal author, or, A Vindication of King Charls the Martyr's most excellent book intitutled 'Eikåon basilikåe' from the false, scandalous, and malicious reflections lately published against it
London: Samuel Keble, 1691.
The Court Career Death Shaddow'd to Life. Or Shadowes of Life and Death. A Pasquil Dialogue Seriously Perused and Highly Approved by the Clearest Judgments
[London]: n.p., 1659.
The English Devil: Or, Cromwel and His Monstrous Witch Discover'd at White-Hall: With the Strange and Damnable Speech of This Hellish Monster, by Way of Revelation, Touching King and Kingdom; and a Narrative of the Infernal Plots, Inhumane Actings, and Barbarous Conspiracies of This Grand Impostor, and Most Audacious Rebel, That Durst Aspire From a Brew-House to the Throne, Washing His Accursed Hands in the Blood of His Royal Soveraign; and Trampling Over the Heads of the Most Loyal Subjects, Making a Foot-ball of a Crown, and Endeavouring Utterly to Extirpate the Royal Progeny, Root and Kinde, Stem and Stock
London: Robert Wood; George Horton, 1660.
The Famous Tragedie of King Charles I. Basely Butchered by Those Who Are, Omne nefas proni patare pudoris inanes crudeles, violenti, importunique tyranni mendaces, falsi, perversi, perfidiosi, faedifragi, falsis verbis infunda loquentes. In Which Is Included, The Several Combinations and Machinations That Brought That Incomparable Prince to the Block, the Overtures Hapning at the Famous Seige of Colchester, the Tragicall Fals of Sir Charls Lucas and Sir George Lisle, the Just Reward of the Leveller Rainsborough, Hamilton and Bailies Trecheries, in Delivering the Late Scottish Army Into the Hands of Cromwell, and the Designe the Rebels Have, to Destroy the Royal Posterity
n.p.: n.p., 1649.
The Two State Martyrs, Or, The Murther of Master Robert Yeomans, and Master George Bowcher, Citizens of Bristoll: Committed on Them by Nathaniel Fiennes (second Son to the Lord Say) the Pretended Governor of that City, and the Rest of His Conspiracie, Whom Some Call a Councell of Warre
[Oxford]: [H. Hall], 1643.
Versión parafrástica del Psalmo LXXVIII. Parece que nadie podrá leer este salmo sin considerarle como una profecía de las calamidades con que la divina justicia ha querido afligir à España por medio de la ferocidad de los franceses desde que la invadieron en 1808; y del fervor con que las almas buenas han implorado e imploran la misericordia del Señor [...]
Madrid: Imprenta de Fuentenebro, 1813.