The Royal Martyr: Or, the Life and Death of King Charles I
The Royal Martyr: Or, the Life and Death of King Charles I
London: J.M.; Richard Royston, 1676.
Other editions:
London, J. M. for Richard Royston, 1684
3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
Authority file:
Related Documents:
Monumentum regale licet cartaceum, on the Most Memorable Martyrdome of King Charles the First. Of Pretious Memorie, on the 30 Day of Ianuary An° Dm 1648 (1687)
British Museum, London
The Loyall Martyrology (1665)
from: Winstanley, William. The Loyall Martyrology, or Brief Catalogues and Characters of the Most Eminent Persons Who Suffered Their Conscience During the Last Times of Rebelion, Either by Death, Imprisonment, Banishment, or Sequestration; Together With Those Who Were Slain in the Kings Service. As Also, Dregs of Treacehry: With the Catalogue and Characters of Those Regicides Who Sat as Judges on Our Late Dread Soveraign of Ever Blessed Memory; With Others of That Gang, Most Eminent for Villany. For Encouragement to Virtue, and Determent from Vice, London, Thomas Mobb-Edward Thomas, 1665, Frontispiece
British Museum, London
Basilika. The Works of Charles I (1662)
from: Basilika. The Works of King charles the Martyr: With a Collection of Declarations, Treaties, and Other Papers Concerning the Differences betwixt His Said Majesty and His Two Houses of Parliament, London, James Flesher, 1662, Frontispice
British Museum, London