Topic: 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century)
During the transformative period of the 16th to 18th centuries, the notion of the State evolved into a nearly mystical entity, perceived as immortal and worthy of the ultimate sacrifice. This section delves into the complex interplay between sovereignty, resistance, and sacrifice, a theme explored by early proponents of political tolerance. It also examines revolutionary acts and regicide, viewed through the lens of sacrificial rites. This section includes early modern printed and iconographic sources, along with a comprehensive bibliography from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing a historical and modern perspective on this complex theme
Patimenti e morte di Simone Abeles, fanciullo ebreo di dodici anni tormentato, ed ucciso crudelmente da Lazzero Abeles suo padre in Praga il dì 21. di febbraio dell'anno 1694 perchè era costante nell'abbracciare la S. Fed
Firenze: Piero Martini, 1705.
Erasmi Roterodami Adagiorum chiliades quatuor cum sesquicenturia, ex postrema authori recognitione: quibus praemissi sunt quatuor indices locupletissimi, tam adagiorum quam locorum, tum rerum ac vocum in hoc opere explicatarum, cognituque dignarum. Quae his iam primum accesserint, proxima post praefationes abunde pagella demonstrabit
Basilea: Ex officina Episcopiana, 1574.
Sexti Pompei Festi De verborum significatione fragmentum ex vetustissimo exemplari bibliotheca Farnesiana descriptum. Schedae quae festi fragmento detractae apug Pomponium Laetum Extabant. Ex bibliotheca Fului Ursini. Notae in Sex. Pompei Festi fragmentum, schedas, et epitomama
s.n.: Apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1583.
Des Herrn Racine Trauerspiel Iphigenia, vor einigen Jahren ins deutsche übersetzt, Nunmehro aber mit einer Vorrede und einem Auszuge aus der griechischen Ipigenia des Euripides ans Licht gestellet
Leipzig: Bernhard Christoph Breitopf, 1734.
Defensio fidei catholicae de satisfactione Christi adversus Faustum Socinum Senensem: scripta ab Hugone Grotio
Leiden: Ioannes Patius, 1617.
A briefe relation of the death and sufferings of the Most Reverend and renowned prelate, the L. Archbishop of Canterbury with a more perfect copy of his speech, and other passages on the scaffold, than hath beene hitherto imprinted.
Oxford: n. p. , 1644.
3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
Dr. Hollingworth's Defence of K. Charles the First's Holy and Divine Book, Called Eikon Basilikē; Against the Rude and Undutiful Assaults of the Late Dr. Walker of Essex. Proving by Living and Unquestionable Evidences, the Aforesaid Book to Be That Royal Martyr's, and Not Dr. Gauden's
London: Samuel Eddowes, 1692.
The Death of King Charles I Proved a Down-Right Murder, With the Aggravations of It. In a Sermon at St. Botolph Aldgate, London, January 30, 1692/3. To Which Are Added, Some Just Reflections Upon Some Late Papers, Concerning That King's Book
London: R. Norton; Walter Kettilby, 1693.
Vindiciae Carolinae, or, A Defence of Eikon basilikē, the Portraicture of His Sacred Majesty in His Solitudes and Sufferings in Reply to a Book Intituled Eikonoklastes, Written by Mr. Milton, and Lately Re-Printed at Amsterdam
London: J.L.; Luke Meredith, 1692.
An Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance First Set Foorth Without a Name, and Now Acknowledged by the Author, the Right High and Mightie Prince, Iames, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc.; Together With a Premonition of Hist Maiesties, to All Most Mightie Monarches, Kings, Free Princes and States of Christendom
London: Robert Baker, 1609.
The Appellation of Iohn Knoxe from the Cruell and Most Iniust Sentence Pronounced Against Him by the False Bishoppes and Clergie of Scotland, With His Supplication and Exhortation to the Nobilitie, Estates, ad Comunaltie of the Same Realme
Gèneve: s.n., 1558.
Histoire d'Angleterre, de Cosse, et d'Irlande; avec un abregé des évenements les plus remarquables arrivés dans les autres etats; par Monsieur De Larrey, conseiller de la cour et des ambassades du Roi de Prusse. Tome quatrieme, qui contient l'histoire depuis Charles I jusqu'a Guillame III inclusivement. Enrichi des portraits des rois, reines, et autres personnes illlustres
Rotterdam: Fritsch et Böhm, 1713.