Topic: 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century)
During the transformative period of the 16th to 18th centuries, the notion of the State evolved into a nearly mystical entity, perceived as immortal and worthy of the ultimate sacrifice. This section delves into the complex interplay between sovereignty, resistance, and sacrifice, a theme explored by early proponents of political tolerance. It also examines revolutionary acts and regicide, viewed through the lens of sacrificial rites. This section includes early modern printed and iconographic sources, along with a comprehensive bibliography from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing a historical and modern perspective on this complex theme
Treur-toonneel der doorluchtige mannen, of Op- en Ondergang der grooten, vertoont in rampzalige geschienissen van Keyzers, Koningen, Prinsen, Vorsten, en andere voorname personagien. Beginnende met het Roomsche Keizerryk, en vervolgende tot aan 't jaar 1698. Uit menigte van schryvers, en verscheidene taalen, by een gebracht door Lambert van den Bosch. Tweede deel, bevattende de derde en vierde afdeeling
Amsterdam: Jan ten Hoorn, 1698.
Barnabae Brissonii regii consistorii consiliarii, amplissimque senatus Parisiensis praesidis, De formulis et sollemnibus populi romani verbis, libri VIII: omnibus politioris litteraturae, cumprimis Iurisprudentiae studiosis utiles et necessarii; in quibus varii bonorum auctorum loci emendantur, supplentur, notantur, illustrantur. Opus magno labore ab auctore congestum; nunc vero diligenter recognitum et a prioribus mendis purgatum. Adiecti sunt rerum et verborum indices locupletissimi
Frankfurt: Apud Ioannem Wechelum et Petrum Fischerum, 1592.
Ad Divum Petrum apostolorum principem triumphantem. Atheismus triumphatus, seu reduction ad religionem per scientiarum veritates. Fr. Thomae Campanellae, stylensis, ordinis praedicatorum. Contra antichristianismus achitophellisticum
Paris: Tyssanum Dubray, 1636.
Austro celeste. Ragionamenti theologici scritturali, e morali, sopra l'oratione dominicale, fatti in Napoli nel celebratissimo Pergamo della Vergine Annuntiata. Dal M.R.P.F. Angelo Celestino, lettore di theologia, e predicator generale dell'Osservanza di S. Francesco. Quarta parte detta australe. Opera giovevole a' predicatori, per l'inventioni, per la varità de' pensieri, e nuovi concetti, e per le fruttuose moralità; utile a' curati, e a tutte persone curiose e divote. Con tre tavole, la prima de' ragionamenti, la seconda de' luoghi della Scrittura con diligenza esposti dall'autore dentro l'opera, e al terza delle cose più notabili, e degne di considerazione. Dedicati a' nobili Sig. dell'illustrissime famiglie del Seggio di Capuana, di quella santa Casa fondatori, e successivamente perpetui governatori
Venice: Giovanni Guerigli, 1618.
Basiliká. The Works of King Charles the Martyr: With a Collection of Declarations, Treatises, and Other Papers Concerning the Differences Betwixt His Said Majesty and His Two Houses of Parliament
London: James Flesher; Richard Royston, 1662.
Reliquiae sacrae Carolinae. Or the Works of That Great Monarch and Glorious Martyr King Charles the I. Collected Together, and Digested in Order According to Their Several Subjects, Civil and Sacred
Hague [London]: Samuel Brown [William Dugard; Francis Eglesfield], 1650.
Iphigenia Treur-Spel
Amsterdam: Nicolaas Biestkens, 1617.
Ad librum Hugonis Grotii, quem de Satisfactione Christi adversus Faustum Socinum Senensem scriptis, Responsio Iohannis Crellii Franci Ecclesiae Racoviensis Ministri
Raków: Typis Sternacianis, 1623.
The Church History of England, from the Year 1500, to the Year 1688, Chiefly with Regards to Catholicks: Being a Complete Account of the Divorce, Supremacy, Dissolution of Monasteries, and First Attempts for a Reformation Under Eduard VI. The Interruption it Met Under Queen Mary I; With the Last Hand put to it by Queen Elizabeth I: Together with the Various Fortunes of the Catholick Cause Under the Reigns of King James I, King Charles I, King Charles II, and King James II. Particularly, the Lives of the Most Eminent Catholicks, Cardinals, Bishops, Inferior Clergy, Regulars, and Laymen, who Have Distinguished Themselves by the Piety, Learning, or Military Abilities: Also, a Distinct and Critical Account of the Works of the Learned: the TRials of Those That Suffered Either on the Score of Religion, or for Real or Fictitious Plots Against the Government: With the Foundation of the English Colleges and Monasteries Abroad. The Whole Supported by Original Papers and Letters; Many Whereof Were Never Before Made Publick.
Brussles: n. p. , 1737.
Commentariorum linguae latinae tomus primus
Leiden: Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536.