Topic: 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th century) – Image Gallery
Ifigenia libens collum submitte securi; Non aliter, quando Troia perire potest (1713)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Execution of the baptized Jews in Trent (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 12v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Karel Stuard Koning van Groot Brittanien. Binnen Londen Onthalst den 13 van Januari 1649 (1698)
from: Bos, Lambert van den. Treur-toonneel der doorluchtige mannen, of Op- en Ondergang der grooten, vertoont in rampzalige geschienissen van Keyzers, Koningen, Prinsen, Vorsten, en andere voorname personagien. Beginnende met het Roomsche Keizerryk, en vervolgende tot aan 't jaar 1698. Uit menigte van schryvers, en verscheidene taalen, by een gebracht door Lambert van den Bosch. Tweede deel, bevattende de derde en vierde afdeeling, Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1698, vol. 2, p. 404.
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Purported ritual murder - Blood libel (18th)
Sandomierz Cathedral, Poland
A Ruler Performing Yajna (Fire Ritual) (1801 - 1900)
Islamic & Indian Paintings, The Dexter Collection Part II, London
The Coronation of Louis XVI (18th Century)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
The Confession of Richard Brandon the Hangman [1649]
from: The Confession of Richard Brandon the Hangman (Upon His Death Bed) Concerning His Beheading His Late Majesty, Charles the First, King of Great Britain; and His Protestation and Vow Touching the Smae; the Manner how He Was Terrified in Conscience; the Apparitions and Visions Which Apeared Unto Him; the Great Judgement that Befell Him Three Dayes Before He Dy’d; and the Manner How He Was Carryed to White-Chappell Churchyard on Thursday Night Last, the Strange Actions That Happened Thereupon; With the Merry Conceits of the Crowne Cook and His Providing Mourning Cords for the Buriall, [London], s.n., [1649], Frontispice
British Library, London
Olimpia (18th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Execution of Egmond and Horne (1568)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Last Moment of King Charles the First (1838)
British Museum, London
The Dissolution of the Monastries and the Execution of Three Benedictine Abbots (1539)
The British Library, London
David Sacralized King by Samuel (1647(?))
Musée du Louvre, Paris
The Sacrifice of King Oetes (16th Century)
from: Gohory, Jacques. Livre de la Conqueste de la Toison d'or, par le Prince Jason de Tessalie : faict par figures avec exposition d'icelles, [Paris], n.p., 1563, no page
Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Paris
Hugh Latimer (17th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Charles I and Archbishop Laud Kneeling in Prayer (17th Century)
British Museum, London
Atilius Regulus Closed in the Barrel [1531]
Palazzo Te, Apartment of the Secret Garden, Vault, Mantua
The Torture of Atilius Regulus [1542 - 1543]
British Museum, London
Episode of Roman History with Iustitia and Prudentia (1711(?))
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell (?th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
A King Sacrificing (17th Century)
Royal Collection Trust, London
Purported Martyrdom of Simon of Trent (1505-1515)
Museo Diocesano Tridentino, Trento - Tridentine Diocesan Museum, Trent
The Oath of Brutus (1771)
Musée Municipal Frederic Blandin, Nevers
Saint Simon of Trent holding the flag and a shield; standing on the body of a male figure; in a border with flowers on black ground; illustration to Ubertino Pusculino, 'Duo libri Symonidos de Judaeorum perfidia', Augsburg: Johan Ottmar, 1511 (1511)
from: Ubertino Pusculino, 'Duo libri Symonidos de Judaeorum perfidia', Augsburg: Johan Ottmar, 1511
British Museum
The Death of Atilius Regulus (1662)
Galleria Trincia, Rome
The ritualistic murder of a Christian child by a group of Jewish men; the child standing at centre, surrounded by five figures who are restraining, cutting him and gathering his blood; in an ornament frame with Gothic Laubwerk along upper edge; illustration to Ubertino Pusculino, 'Duo libri Symonidos de Judaeorum perfidia', Augsburg: Johan Ottmar, 1511. (1511)
from: Ubertino Pusculino, 'Duo libri Symonidos de Judaeorum perfidia', Augsburg: Johan Ottmar, 1511
Bristih Museum
The Loyall Sacrifice (1648) (1760 - 1799)
The Collection of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London
Sacrifice of a Lamb by Four Men (1630(?))
from: Luther, Martin. Biblia das ist Die gantze Holy Scriptures Durch D. Martin Luther verutscht Strasbourg, Zetzner, [1630], Frontispiece
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Scène de sacrifice d'un roi, peut-être le châtiment de Lycurgue (1594-1650)
London, Christie's
The assassination of King Lazar (1577)
from: Türckische Chronica (Adelphus Johannes)
King Charles the Martyr (1649)
from: Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in His Solitudes and Sufferings, [London], s.n., 1548 [1649], Frontispiece
British Museum, London
A liuely Representation of the manner how his late Majesty was beheaded uppon the Scaffold Ian 30: 1648 [1649 - 1660]
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Execution of Charles I (18th Century)
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Statue of the Duke of Alba, 1571 (1730)
from: Le Clerc, Jean. Geschiedenissen der Vereenigde Nederlanden, sedert den aanvang van die Republyk tot op den vrede van Utrecht in 't jaar 1713 en het tractaat van Barriere in 't jaar 1715 gesloten. Verciert met d'afbeeldzels der voornaamste personaadjen, beruchste, gevallen, belegeringen van steden, veldslagen, en meer andere keurlyke printverbeeldingen, gesneden door den heer Picard Romein, en andere voorname meesters. In drie deelen in folio. In ‘t Fransch beschreven door den Heere Jean le Clerc. En nu in ‘t Nederduitsch vertaatl, Amsterdam, Zacharias Chatelain, 1730, vol. 1, p. 54
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
King Solomon Sacrificing to the Idols (1640(?))
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT
The Execution of Charles I of England [1649]
Scottish National Gallery
Ifigenia Treuspel (1715)
from: Racine. Jean. Ifigenia in Aulis, treurspel, Amsterdam, Jacob Lescailje, 1715, Frontespiece
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Diana en Iphigenia (17th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Purported Martyrdom of Simon of Trent (1480)
Museo provinciale Alto Adige
An Aztec Noble’s Sacrifice for his Country [1585]
from: Codex Ramírez or Tovar - Relación del origen de los indios que hábitan esta Nueva España según sus Historias
John Carter Brown Library
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1710-1720]
Musée de l'Histoire de France, Versailles
Sacrificium Achas Regis Idololatrae IIII.Reg.XVI (1539)
from: Aemilius, Georg. Biblicae historiae, magno artificio depictae, et utilitatis publicae causa latinis epigrammatibus à Georgio Aemylio illustratae, Frankfurt, Christianus Egenolphus, [1539], p. Hiv(verso)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Death of Don Juan and the Humiliation of Alva, 1578 (1578)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
King Jeroboam Making Sacrifice to the Golden Calf (17 - 18)
Staten Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
Duke of Alba's Oppression of the Netherlands (1569)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1553)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Death of the King (18th Century)
British Museum, London
Marcus Aurelius While Offering a Sacrifice (16th Century)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Fight between Horatii and Curiatii (1612 - 1613)
Musei capitolini, Sala degli Orazi, Rome
Fox. The Historical Painter (1784)
British Museum, London
Allegory on the Jubilee of Dutch Freedom, 1648-1748 (1748)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Purported Martyrdom of Simone of Trent - Simone as Martyr (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 4v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
An Irish ritual of kingship: the sacrifice of a white mare and preparation of a stew, in which the king bathes and which his supporters ea (ca 1196-1223)
British Library, London [ms Royal 13 B. VIII, fol. 28v]
Suicide of a Woman on an Altar (1532)
from: Francesco Petrarca, Von der Artzney bayder Glück, des guten vnd widerwertigen: unnd weß sich ain yeder inn Gelück und Unglück halten sol; auß dem Lateinischen in das Teutsch gezogen, Augspurg, Steyner, 1532, p. clviii
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Passover seder (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 6v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Basilika. The Works of Charles I (1662)
from: Basilika. The Works of King charles the Martyr: With a Collection of Declarations, Treaties, and Other Papers Concerning the Differences betwixt His Said Majesty and His Two Houses of Parliament, London, James Flesher, 1662, Frontispice
British Museum, London
Abscheulichste Unehörte Execution, an wehland dem Durchleuchtig- und Grossmächtigsten Carl Stuart, König in Gross Britannien, Franctreich und Irrland vorgangen in Londen vor der Residents Whithall, Dienstag den 30 Janua: 9 Februa: Anno 1640. Nachmittag zwischen 2 und 3 uhren [1649]
National Portrait Galllery, London
Sacrifice of Iphigenia (18th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Purported Martyrdom of Simone of Trient
Church of St Maria Rotonda. Pian Camuno, Val Camonica
D' klagende Koninck Carolus Stuart [1650]
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Atilius Regulus in the Spiked Barrel (17th Century)
Museo Civico, Feltre
Examination of Simon’s body after its discovery (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 8v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
De Vrijheid-verkrijging der Protestantsche godsdienst, in de Nederlanden (1817(?))
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
A king sacrifices an animal in front of the statue of Thor (1639)
RKD – Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis
The Fatal Sacrifice (18th Century)
Wellcome Collection, London
Oliver Cromwell between Two Pillars (above, The Sacrifice of Isaac) (1658)
Royal Collection Trust
The Sacrifice of Polyxena (1667)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Mucius Scaevola in the Presence of Porsenna [1601 - 1650]
Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Konincklick memoriael (1649)
from: Eikon Basilike. Konincklick memoriael. War in het innerlijk gemoet van sijne H. Mojesteyt Carolus Stuart Koninck van Engelandt, Schotlandt en Yrlandt, naer 't leven afgebeeldt wordt. In sijne gevanckenis en lijdsaemheyt by hem selver in 't Engelsch beschreven; en in Nederduytsch vertaelt, Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1640, Frontispice.
British Museum, London
King David Sacrifices to God and Sees the Angel of Death (17th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Brutus Sons Corps (1789)
Museée du Louvre, Paris
Purported Martyrdom of Simon of Trent (1465)
from: Tiberinus, Johannes Matthias, Passio Beati Simonis
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
K. Charles I. Murthered [1649 - 1660]
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Cromwel. Viceregent (?th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Sacrifice (Das Opfer) (1922)
New York, MoMA
The Sacrifice of Mucius Scevola (17th Century)
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Dole
Pagan Sacrifice of King Ahaz (1646)
from: Bibels tresoor, ofte der zielen lusthof, vytgebeelt in figueren, door verscheyden meesters. Ende gesneden, door Christoffel van Sichem, Amsterdam, P. I. Paets, 1646, p. 592
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Sacrifice of Pélias to Neptune (17th Century)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Alva Murders the Innocent Inhabitants of the Netherlands (1572)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1761(?))
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Execution of Charles I [1680]
British Museum, London
Il est glorieux de mourir pour sa patrie (1795)
Musée Carnavalet, Paris
K. Charles I. Murthered [1649 - 1660]
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Mucius Scaevola in the Presence of Porsenna (1726 - 1729)
Musée Magnin, Dijon
Simon on the altar (“victima”) (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 9v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Oliver Cromwell on Horseback (1671)
from: Galardi, Ferdinand de. La tyranie heureuse ou Cromwel politique, avec ses artifices et intrigues dans tout le cours de sa conduite, Leiden, Jean Pauwels, 1671, Frontispice
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Consacration of Decius Mus (1616 - 1617)
Prince of Liechtenstein's Collections, Wien
Idolatry of Jeroboam (1780)
from: Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken van Flavius Josephus, naar het Grieksch in 't Engelsch gebragt en verkort, waar by gevoegd is: de twee boeken van Josephus tegens Appion; zyn Richtsnor der Reden, of het martelaarschap der Macchabeen, en 't gezantschap van Philo den Jood aan den keizer Cajus Caligula. Uit het Engelsch in het Nederduitsch vertaald. Eerste deel, Amserdam, J. van Gulik, 1780, p. 300
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Emblematic print referring to the execution of Charles I and the Stuart succession (1715)
British Museum, London
Handprints left by the wives of the maharaja before the Sati [1843]
Mehrangarh Fort, Rajasthan, India
Thomas Morus quondam supremus totius Angliae cancellarius digniss (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Suttee, with Lord Hastings shown as accepting bribes to allow its continuation (1815)
London, Wellcome Collection
A King Compelled to Offer a Sacrifice by Two Gorgonians (17th Century)
Musée du Louvre, Paris