Keyword: Jephthah
Jephte sacrifices his daughter (1493)
from: Cest le mirouer de la redempcion humaine (GW M4304210), Fol, f4r [Paris]
Stabi, Berlin
Jephthah’s Daughter (16th Century)
Royal Collection Trust, London
Sacrifice of Jephthah [1350 - 1400]
from: Speculum humanae salvationis (Bologna) [Arsenal, Ms 593, fol. 7v]
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Two dissertations: the first on the supposed suicide of Samson; wherein the part he bore in his own death is vindicated from the imputation of self-murther; and the nature and heinousness of that crime are fully set forth; the second, on Jepththa's vow, wherein is proved that his vow was fulfilled, and his daughter not sacrificed
London: William Innys - Jonathan Richardson, 1754.
Why Would the Deuteronomists Tell About the Sacrifice of Jephthah’s Daughter?
in: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, v. 23 (1998), issue 77: pp.27-38.
Exactis duobus mensibus reversa est Virgo ad Patrem suum et fecit ei secundum votum suum. Iud. Cap. II. (1579)
from: Thesaurus sacrarum historiarum Veteris Testamenti, elegantissimis imaginibus expressum excellentissimorum in hac arte virorum opera, Sumptibus atque expensis, [Antwerp], Gerardi de Iode, 1579
Bibliothèque National de France
The sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter [1695]
Fondazione Brescia Musei, Brescia
Vos superi testes pietatis habebo [...] (18th Century)
Fondazione Pietro Mondadori, Reggio Emilia
Jephthah and His Daughter in Medieval Art: Ambiguities of Heroism and Sacrifice
in: Insights and Interpretations: Studies in Celebration of the Eighty-Fifth Anniversary of the Index of Christian Art, pp. 35–59
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.
The Sacrifice of Jephtah’s Daughter (18th Century)
Royal Collection Trust, London
Iefté, Principe del pueblo ysraelitico [...] [1580 - 1583]
Bibliothèque National de France, Paris
Moeurs des sauvages amériquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps
Paris: Saugrain l'aîné, 1724.
Jephte Sacrifices his Daughter [1500]
Musée Condé, Chantilly, cod. 139, fol. 7r
La figliuola di Iefte all'altare per esser sacrificata (18th Century)
Convento dei Canonici Lateranensi - Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter (18th Century)
City Art Gallery, Southampton
La methode d’etudier et d’enseigner Chrétiennement et solidement les lettres humaines par rapport aux lettres divines et aux Écritures. Tome II. De l’etude des poëtes, où les divinitez de la fable sont rapportées à l’histoire de l’Ecriture, ou à l’histoire profane, ou àl’histoire naturelle
Paris: François Muguet, 1682.
Sacrifice of Jephthah (1461)
from: Speculum humanae salvationis (Belgium)
Lyon. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms 245, fol. 125
Jephtha sacrificing his daughter (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 34v
British Museum, London