An attempt towards the character of the royal martyr King Charles I ...
An attempt towards the character of the royal martyr King Charles I. From authentic vouchers. Address'd to the author of An essay towards the character of her late majesty Caroline, Queen Comfort of Great Britain, etc. With an appendix.Containing I.A particular relation of the solemnity of King Charles I. His Baptism, from the Herald's office in Edinburgh. In disproof of a fals (but too common) assertion, that he was never Episcopally baptised. An order of the king's funeral. Compared with the pompous one of Oliver Cromwell, from Mercurius Politicus. A proclamation for calling in, and suppressing mr. John Milton;s two villanous investives against the Royal Martyr, with mr. John Goodwin's defence of the king's murther, ordering them to be burned by the hand of the Common Hangman. Which it plainly appears that had a publick monnument been erected to Milton's memory, in King Charles II's reing, it would have been took'd upon as a mark of disaffection to kingly government.
London: J. Roberts, 1738.
Authority file:,_Zachary,_1688-1766
Edited by: Christopher Martinuzzi
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London: William Dugard; Nicolas Bourne, 1652.