The Church History of England ...
The Church History of England, from the Year 1500, to the Year 1688, Chiefly with Regards to Catholicks: Being a Complete Account of the Divorce, Supremacy, Dissolution of Monasteries, and First Attempts for a Reformation Under Eduard VI. The Interruption it Met Under Queen Mary I; With the Last Hand put to it by Queen Elizabeth I: Together with the Various Fortunes of the Catholick Cause Under the Reigns of King James I, King Charles I, King Charles II, and King James II. Particularly, the Lives of the Most Eminent Catholicks, Cardinals, Bishops, Inferior Clergy, Regulars, and Laymen, who Have Distinguished Themselves by the Piety, Learning, or Military Abilities: Also, a Distinct and Critical Account of the Works of the Learned: the TRials of Those That Suffered Either on the Score of Religion, or for Real or Fictitious Plots Against the Government: With the Foundation of the English Colleges and Monasteries Abroad. The Whole Supported by Original Papers and Letters; Many Whereof Were Never Before Made Publick.
Brussles: n. p. , 1737.
3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
Authority file:,_Charles,_1672-1743
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Canterburies doome, or, The first part of a compleat history of the commitment, charge, tryall, condemnation, execution of William Laud, late Arch-bishop of Canterbury containing the severall orders, articles, proceedings in Parliament against him, from his first accusation therein, till his tryall: together with the various evidences and proofs produced against him at the Lords Bar: wherein this Arch-prelates manifold trayterous artifices to usher in popery by degrees, are cleerly detected, and the ecclesiasticall history of our church-affaires, during his pontificall domination, faithfully presented to the publike view of the world by William Prynne, of Lincolns Inne, Esquire
London: John Macock, 1646.
3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
A briefe relation of the death and sufferings of the Most Reverend and renowned prelate, the L. Archbishop of Canterbury with a more perfect copy of his speech, and other passages on the scaffold, than hath beene hitherto imprinted.
Oxford: n. p. , 1644.
3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
Charles I. Roi d'Angleterre décapité à Whitehall le 30e Janvier 1649 (1730)
from: Larrey, Isaac de. Geschiedenis van Engelandt, Schotlandt en Ierlandt; met een kort begrip der aanmerkelykste zaken, in andere ryken en staten voorgevallen. In het Fransch beschreven door den Heere De Larrey, Hof-en bezendings-raadt van zyne koninklyke majesteit van Pruissen. In het Nederduitsch uitgegeven, en uit de openbare gedenkschriften van Engelandt en de allernaauwkerigste oude en nieuwe schryvers merkelyk vermeerdert en verandert door Jan Lodewyk Schuer. Met heerlyke afbeeldselen en landkaarten versiert. Vieerde deel, Amsterdam, Joh. Covens en Corn. Mortier, 1730, vol. 4, p. 1
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam