Keyword: Anti-Catholic Controversy
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Duke of Alba's Oppression of the Netherlands (1569)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Lambe speaketh. Anti-catholic satire with a wolf-headed Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, biting the neck of a sacrificial lamb suspended by its hind legs above an altar; to right, the bishops of London and Durham, the dean of Westminster and other Roman Catholic clerics (all with wolves' heads) drink the blood that spurts from the lamb; at Gardiner's feet lie six further lambs bearing the names of Cranmer, Ridley and other Protestant reformers; at upper left, three men pull at a rope tied around Gardiner's neck (members of the House of Lords who threw out Gardiner's heresy bill on 1 May 1554) while at lower left a group of gullible men (the Commons who had passed the bill a month earlier) are attached from rings in their noses to a rope around Gardiner's waist; the Pope as the devil appears top right (1555)
British Museum, London
A declaration of great troubles pretended against the realme by a number of seminarie priests and Iesuits; sent, and very secretly dispersed in the same, to worke great treasons under a false pretence of religion with a provision very necessarie for remedie thereof. Published by this Her Maiesties proclamation
London: n. p., 1591.
De ficticio Missae Sacrificio argumenta Sophistarum Pontificiorum cum refutationibus eorundem. Argumenta vera, firma, & perspicua contra Sacrificium Missae Papisticae
[Magdeburg]: [Christianus Rhodius], 1550.
Martyrs Burnt (1700)
from: Martyrs in Flames: or The History of Popery, London, Nath. Crouch, 1700
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Keywords: Anti-Catholic ControversyProtestantism
Spanish Inquisition (1700)
from: Martyrs in Flames: or The History of Popery, London, Nath. Crouch, 1700
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Keywords: Anti-Catholic ControversyProtestantism
Martyrs in flames, or, Popery (in its true colours) displayed. Being a brief relation of the horrid cruelties and persecutions of the Pope and Church of rome for many hundred years past, to this present age, inflicted upon Protestants in Piedmont ...: With an abstract of the cruel persecution lately exercised upon the Protestants in France and Savoy, in the year 1686 and 1687..: Together with a short account of Gods judgment upon popish persecutors. Published for a warning to all Protestants, what they must expect from that bloody generation of Antichristians. By R.B.
London: Nath. Crouch, 1693.
Keywords: Anti-Catholic ControversyProtestantism
De Sacrificio Missatico Disputatio Theologica: Bellarmini Duobus De Missa Libris opposita
Tübingen: Georgius Gruppenbachius, 1604.
De mystico et incruento ecclesiae sacrificio adversus abominandam Pontificiae missae superstitionem
Neustadt (Wied): Matthaeus Harnisch, 1584.
Execution of Egmond and Horne [1568]
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Disputatio Theologica Ordinaria De Sacrificio Romanensium Missatico, Eiusque Horrenda Abominatione
Wittenberg: Zacharias Schürer, 1603.