Keyword: English Reformation
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An historicall narration of the iudgement of some most learned and godly English bishops, holy martyrs, and others (whereof III; viz. Archbishop Cranmer, B. Latimer, and Bishop Hooper, suffred martyrdome, in the dayes of Q. Mary, for the truth and Gospell of Christ Iesus) concerning Gods election, and the merit of Christ his death
London: Bernard Alsop; Thomas Fawcet, 1631.
A declaration of great troubles pretended against the realme by a number of seminarie priests and Iesuits; sent, and very secretly dispersed in the same, to worke great treasons under a false pretence of religion with a provision very necessarie for remedie thereof. Published by this Her Maiesties proclamation
London: n. p., 1591.
Relación del martirio de Tomas Haso, inclito mártir de Iesu Christo, y de Nicolas Sisburno Ingleses, y de una muger varonil: con otros avisos importantes, embiados por un sacerdote del Seminario de Sevilla, testigo de vista que fue de todo
Granada: Antonio René Lazcano, 1615.
The first examinacyon of Anne Askewe, latelye martyred in Smythfelde, by the Romysh popes vpholders, with the elucydacyon of Iohan Bale
Marburg: D. van der Straten, 1546.
Aqui se contiene un milagro que el glorioso san Diego hizo con una devota suya, a los veinte y cinco de Febrero deste presente año de mil y quinientos y noventa y quatro. Juntamente de la gran justicia que en la ciudad de Lisboa se hizo de un Ingles Luterano, y de otras personas. Y lleva al cabo una letrilla nueva al tono de la çaravanda, sobre la nueva prematica
Seville: Benito Sanchez, [1594].
The Church History of England, from the Year 1500, to the Year 1688, Chiefly with Regards to Catholicks: Being a Complete Account of the Divorce, Supremacy, Dissolution of Monasteries, and First Attempts for a Reformation Under Eduard VI. The Interruption it Met Under Queen Mary I; With the Last Hand put to it by Queen Elizabeth I: Together with the Various Fortunes of the Catholick Cause Under the Reigns of King James I, King Charles I, King Charles II, and King James II. Particularly, the Lives of the Most Eminent Catholicks, Cardinals, Bishops, Inferior Clergy, Regulars, and Laymen, who Have Distinguished Themselves by the Piety, Learning, or Military Abilities: Also, a Distinct and Critical Account of the Works of the Learned: the TRials of Those That Suffered Either on the Score of Religion, or for Real or Fictitious Plots Against the Government: With the Foundation of the English Colleges and Monasteries Abroad. The Whole Supported by Original Papers and Letters; Many Whereof Were Never Before Made Publick.
Brussles: n. p. , 1737.
An apologye made by the reuerende father and constante martyr of Christe Iohn Hooper late bishop of Gloceter and Worceter againste the untrue and sclaunderous report that he should be a maintainer and encorager of suche as cursed the Quenes highnes that then was, Quene Marye. Wherein thou shalte see this godlye mannes innocency and modest behauioure: and the falsehode and subtyltye of the aduersaryes of Gods truth
London: Iohn Tisdale and Thomas Hacket , 1562.
Keywords: English ReformationProtestantism
An Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance First Set Foorth Without a Name, and Now Acknowledged by the Author, the Right High and Mightie Prince, Iames, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc.; Together With a Premonition of Hist Maiesties, to All Most Mightie Monarches, Kings, Free Princes and States of Christendom
London: Robert Baker, 1609.
Certẽ Godly, Learned and Comfortable Conferences, Betwene the Two Reverende Fathers, and Holye Martyrs of Christe, D. Nicolas Rydley Late Bysshope of London, and M. Hughe Latymer Sometyme Bysshope of Worcester, During the Tyme of Theyr Emprysenmentes: Whereunto is Added a Treatise Agaynste the errour of Transubstantiation / made by the sayd Reverende Father D. Nicolas Rydley
n. p.: n. p., 1556.
4. Sacrifice and Eucharist (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
4. Sacrifice and Eucharist (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
Keywords: English ReformationTransubstantiation
Vorrede zu Robertus Barns' Glaubensbekenntnis.
Wittenberg: Nickel Schirlenz, 1540.