A declaration of great troubles pretended against the realme by a number of seminarie priests and Iesuits
A declaration of great troubles pretended against the realme by a number of seminarie priests and Iesuits; sent, and very secretly dispersed in the same, to worke great treasons under a false pretence of religion with a provision very necessarie for remedie thereof. Published by this Her Maiesties proclamation
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The Burning of Dr. Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, in ye Towne Ditch at Oxford, With his Hand First Thrust Into ye Fire, Wherewith he Subscribed Before. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
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Relacion verdadera, embiada al seminario de Sevilla, por un padre de la Compañia de Jesus, que esta preso en Inglaterra entre muchos otros sacerdotes. Dase quenta de la prision de deziseys mil christianos, y de los crueles martyrios que algunos an padecido
Granada: Bartolomé Lorenzana, 1615.
Relación del martirio de Tomas Haso, inclito mártir de Iesu Christo, y de Nicolas Sisburno Ingleses, y de una muger varonil: con otros avisos importantes, embiados por un sacerdote del Seminario de Sevilla, testigo de vista que fue de todo
Granada: Antonio René Lazcano, 1615.