Certẽ godly, learned and comfortable conferences, between two [...] holye Martyrs ...
Certẽ godly, learned and comfortable conferences, betwene the two Reverende Fathers, and holye Martyrs of Christe, D. Nicolas Rydley late Bysshope of London, and M. Hughe Latymer Sometyme Bysshope of Worcester, during the tyme of theyr emprysenmentes, Whereunto is added a treatise agaynste the errour of Transubstantiation
n. p.: n. p., 1556.
Authority file: http://viaf.org/viaf/19716290/#Ridley,_Nicholas,_1500?-1555http://viaf.org/viaf/45098193/#Latimer,_Hugh,_1485?-1555
Edited by: Christopher Martinuzzi
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