Vorrede zu Robertus Barns' Glaubensbekenntnis.
Vorrede zu Robertus Barns' Glaubensbekenntnis.
Wittenberg: Nickel Schirlenz, 1540.
Authority file: http://viaf.org/viaf/14773105/#Luther,_Martin,_1483-1546.
Edited by: Christopher Martinuzzi
Related Documents:
bottom left, Cranmer, Bishop Nicholas Ridley, and Bishop Hugh Latimer burning at the stake, with Queen Mary I and a monk observing from a balcony above (1682)
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London, British Museum
Thomas Bilney sijn vinger ettelicke maael in de keers stekende, omsijn vleesch alsoo in 't toekomende lijden tot den brandt te beteyden. (1659)
from: Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van. Historie der martelaren, 1659, fol. 77
Ghent University
Certaine Bishops Talking with Maister Bradford in Prison. (16th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London