Keyword: English Reformation – Image Gallery
Schismaticorum in Anglia Crudelitas. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 25
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Schismaticorum in Anglia Crudelitas. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 29
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
The Execution of Lady Jane Grey (1833)
National Gallery, London
Hugo Latymerus Martir (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London
bottom left, Cranmer, Bishop Nicholas Ridley, and Bishop Hugh Latimer burning at the stake, with Queen Mary I and a monk observing from a balcony above (1682)
from: Engraved title-page to Gilbert Burnet, 'The Abridgment of the History of the Reformation of the Church of England' (London, Richard Chiswell, 1682)
London, British Museum
Johannes Frythus ende Andreis Hewet ruggelings aen malkanderen door het vyer gemarteliseert, tot Londen. (1659)
from: Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van. Historie der martelaren, 1659, fol. 79
Ghent University
Ioannes Bradeford Mart. (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Martyr's Memorial, Oxford (19th Century)
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Guililmus Tyndallus Martyr (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Johannes Rogestus Mart. (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Nicolaus Ridleius. Episcopus Londin. (17th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Certaine Bishops Talking with Maister Bradford in Prison. (16th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London
The Dissolution of the Monastries and the Execution of Three Benedictine Abbots (1539)
The British Library, London
The Talke Betwene Maister Bradford, and Two Spanish Friers (16th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Thomas Bilney sijn vinger ettelicke maael in de keers stekende, omsijn vleesch alsoo in 't toekomende lijden tot den brandt te beteyden. (1659)
from: Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van. Historie der martelaren, 1659, fol. 77
Ghent University
The Description of the Burnyng of M. John Bradford Preacher, and John Leafe a Prentise (16th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London
The Bishops who suffer'd Martyrdom for the Protestant Faith; under the Persecution of Queen Mary I [1700]
National Portrait Gallery, London
Schismaticorum in Anglia Crudelitas. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 27
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Thomas Crammerus (17th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London
The Burning of Dr. Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, in ye Towne Ditch at Oxford, With his Hand First Thrust Into ye Fire, Wherewith he Subscribed Before. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library
Martyrdoms of the Bishops Ridley and Latimer, who Were Burnt Together in One Fire at Oxford. [1765]
Wellcome Collection, London
Hugh Latimer (17th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London