Keyword: Women – Image Gallery

Sacrifice of Polyxena [1590-1599]
from: Metamorphoseon sive transformationum ovidianarum...
Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Fondo Corsini; volume 57N1

Manner in which the Women in India Burn (1728)
from: Picart, B. Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses des Peuples Idolatres, tome II, Amsterdam, 1728
London, Wellcome Collection

Sacrifice of Iphigenia (18th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Burninge of a Banion Woman (1630s)
from: Banerjee, P. Burning Women, New York, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2003, p. 123

Scene of sacrifice [1721 - 1722]
Palazzo Reale, Turin

Queen Nzinga sacrifices a man [illustration of Dapper Naukeurige beschrijvinge der Afrikaensche gewesten] (1676)
from: Olfert Dapper, Naukeurige beschrijvinge der Afrikaensche gewesten, Amsterdam, Meurs,1668, p. 238

Ifigenia libens collum submitte securi; Non aliter, quando Troia perire potest (1713)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1761(?))
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1553)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Funerailles des Femmes Benjanoises (1725)
from: van der Aa, P. La galerie agreable du monde. Tome premier des Indes Orientales, Leiden, c. 1725

Preparation for a Suttee (1816)
British Library, London (

Sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter (18th Century)
City Art Gallery, Southampton

Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1690 - 1700]
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Exactis duobus mensibus reversa est Virgo ad Patrem suum et fecit ei secundum votum suum. Iud. Cap. II. (1579)
from: Thesaurus sacrarum historiarum Veteris Testamenti, elegantissimis imaginibus expressum excellentissimorum in hac arte virorum opera, Sumptibus atque expensis, [Antwerp], Gerardi de Iode, 1579
Bibliothèque National de France

Iphigenia Sacrifice (16 - 17)

Satī, from a Sūz u Gudāz manuscript. The pyre; the bride preparing to sacrifice herself (1650)
from: Nawʻi Khabushani, Muhammad Riz̤a, Sūz u Gudāz, fol. 31v
Chester Betty Library, Dublin, Ireland MS Pers 268, fol. 31b

Human Sacrifice in front of an Aztec Pyramid (1579)
from: Diego de Duran, Historia de las Indias de Nueva España e islas de la tierra firme, 1579, c. 280v

Tobiolus Makes a Propitiatory Sacrifice (1543)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Hindoo Woman about to be Buried (1811)
from: Goldsmith, J. Geography on a Popular Plan, London, Richard Phillips, 1811

Scene of a Sati, with a woman throwing herself into the flames amid a crowd playing trumpets. Above, a winged devil holds the banner with the book's title and the torch with which he lights the ritual fire. (1670)
from: Abraham Rogerius, Le Théâtre de l’idolatrie ou la porte ouverte, Amsterdam, Jean Schipper, 1670, title page

The Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1710-1720]
Musée de l'Histoire de France, Versailles

Levitici, Cap. XII, v. 6-s, Purperae Sacrificium (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCLXVII

The Funeral Pile of a Husband (1810)

Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1723 - 1743)
from: Picart, Bernard; Bernard, Jean Frederic. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World, 1723-1743

Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1640 - 1642]
Galleria Spada, Rome

Iefté, Principe del pueblo ysraelitico [...] [1580 - 1583]
Bibliothèque National de France, Paris

Neoptolemus sacrificing Polyxena at Achilles's tomb (1539)
from: Ovid, Metamorphoses, Paris 1539 (Denys Janot), Vol. 3, p. 150

La figliuola di Iefte all'altare per esser sacrificata (18th Century)
Convento dei Canonici Lateranensi - Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Hindoo Woman throwing herself (19th century?)

Jephte sacrifices his daughter (1493)
from: Cest le mirouer de la redempcion humaine (GW M4304210), Fol, f4r [Paris]
Stabi, Berlin

Empire of Great Mogol (18th century?)

Sacrifice of Lystra (1515)
Victoria & Albert Museum, London

Sati Funeral Practice (1611)
from: Johannes Isacius Pontanus, "Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium historia", Amsterdam, 1611, p. 189

Nine female deities (?) performing a yagna, a fire sacrifice (1800-1900)
London, Wellcome Collection

Ifigenia Treuspel (1715)
from: Racine. Jean. Ifigenia in Aulis, treurspel, Amsterdam, Jacob Lescailje, 1715, Frontespiece
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

the young Hindu woman accompanies her bridegroom's coffin to the funeral pyre and decides to commit sati (1657)
from: Walters manuscript W.649 (Burning and Melting)
The Walters Art Museum

Sati (suttee): a woman immolating herself on her husband's funeral pyre. Gouache painting on mica by an Indian artist. (1800-1899)
from: India
London, Wellcome Collection

Veuve hindoue allant au bucher (1797)
from: Abdul-Kerym, Voyage de l'Inde a la Mekke, ca. 1797

Sacrifice of Iphigenia (17th Century)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Vedova indiana che si abbrucia (1816)
from: Ferrario, G. Il costumo antico e moderno, Florence, c.1816

Brulement des femmes (1700)

Vos superi testes pietatis habebo [...] (18th Century)
Fondazione Pietro Mondadori, Reggio Emilia

The Sacrifice of Polyxena (ca 1470-1475)
from: The Florentine Picture-Chronicle' page from the album (recto of 1889,0527.58): Pyrrhus (Neoptolemos) sacrificing Polyxena on the tomb of his father Achilles
British Museum, London

Berenice offers her hair to Venus [1662 - 1663]
Palazzo Reale, Turin

Hindu Princess Committing Suttee (17th century)
Wellcome Library, London

Suttee (1878)
from: Murray Smith, D. Round the World: A Story of Travel Compiled from the Narrative of Ida Pfeiffer, London, 1878

The Sacrifice of Iphigenia (17 - 18)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Idolatres (1685)
from: Allain Manesson Mallet, Description de l'Univers, , contenant les differents systêmes du monde, les cartes générals et particulières de la géographie ancienne et modern. Vol.: De l'Asie.

Scene of a sati. In the foreground, a widowed woman (encountered by Della Valle on November 12, 1623) on horseback holds a mirror and a lemon amidst a crowd. In the background, a woman throws herself into the flames of a funeral pyre (1665)
from: Della Valle, Pietro, De volkome beschryving der voortreffelijke reizen van de deurluchtige reisiger Pietro della Valle, edelman van Romen, in veel voorname gewesten des werrelts, sedert het jaer 1615, tot in 't jaar 1626 gedaan. Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1666, vol. 5, pag. 163

Handprints left by the wives of the maharaja before the Sati [1843]
Mehrangarh Fort, Rajasthan, India

Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1602 - 1607]
from: Salsmann, Wilhelm. P. Ovid Nasonis XV Metamorphoseon librorvm figurae elegantissime a Cr[i]spiano Passaeo laminis aeneis incisae: quibus subiuncta sunt epigrammata latine ac germanice conscripta, fabularum omnium summam breviter ac erudite comprehendentia, Cologne, Joannem Jansonium, 1607
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1495)
from: Raoul Le Fèvre: Recueil des histoires de Troie (Belgium)
Paris, BnF, Français 22552, fol. 227

Numer., Cap. V, v. 17, 26-28 (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCXCIII

Indian Woman Burning Alive (18th century)

The sacrifice of Polyxena [1732 - 1733]
Getty Museum, Getty Villa, Malibù

Woman Committing Sati (17th century)
Harvard Art Museum, Boston (

The Sacrifice of Iphigenia (17th Century)
Royal Collection Trust, London

Suttee, with Lord Hastings shown as accepting bribes to allow its continuation (1815)
London, Wellcome Collection

Suttee Pillar at a Benares Burning Ghat (19th century)

A Suttee (1858)

Iphigenia Agamemnoni immolanda, à Diana (cerva eius in locum substituta) surripitur (1606)
from: Antonio Tempesta, Metamorphoseon sive transformationum ovidianarum libri quindicem aeneis formis ab Antonio Tempesta Fiorentino incisi, et in pictorum antiquitatisque studiosorum gratiam nunc primum exquisitissimis sumptibus a Petro de Iode anteuerpiano in lucem editi, vol. 12, Anversa 1606, plate 112

Virgin in Glory (1590-1600)
Museu de São Roque, Lisbon

Suicide of a Woman on an Altar (1532)
from: Francesco Petrarca, Von der Artzney bayder Glück, des guten vnd widerwertigen: unnd weß sich ain yeder inn Gelück und Unglück halten sol; auß dem Lateinischen in das Teutsch gezogen, Augspurg, Steyner, 1532, p. clviii
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Satī. The bride immolates herself on the funeral pyre (1657)
from: Isfahan, Iran
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Jephthah’s Daughter (16th Century)
Royal Collection Trust, London

Iphigenia Sacrifice (18th Century)
Private collection

Burning of a Hindu Widow at Her Husband’s Funeral Pyre (1666?)
from: Banerjee, P. Burning Women, New York, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2003, p. 87

The Sacrifice of Polyxena (17th Century)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Olimpia (18th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Handprints of women who committed sati
Wall of the Junagarh Fort (Bikaner, Rajasthan, India)

Sacrifice of Jephthah (1461)
from: Speculum humanae salvationis (Belgium)
Lyon. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms 245, fol. 125

The Sacrifice of Jephtah’s Daughter (18th Century)
Royal Collection Trust, London

Veuve indouve hallant (1825)

The Fatal Sacrifice (18th Century)
Wellcome Collection, London

Suttee. Gouache painting by a painter of Thanjavur (Tanjore) [1800]
from: Tanjore
London, Wellcome Collection

Femmes Benjanoises brulees (1725)
from: van der Aa, P. La galerie agreable du monde. Tome premier des Indes Orientales, Leiden, c. 1725

The Sacrifice of Polixena (1647)
Metropolitan Museum, New York

A Gentoo Burning Herself (1783)
from: The Geographical Magazine, London, Harrison & Co., 1783

The sacrifice of Polyxena (1401)
from: Boccaccio, Giovanni, De claris mulieribus, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fr. 12420, fol. 56v
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris

Vedova di un indiano (1845)
from: Atlante Illustrato, Florence, 1845

Immolation of a Hindoo Widow (1814)
from: Lester. The Gallery of Nature and Art, 1814
London, Wellcome Collection

Les veuves du Cormandel (1725)
from: van der Aa, P. La galerie agreable du monde. Tome premier des Indes Orientales, Leiden, c. 1725

Woman Going to Burn (1811)

Les femmes Indiennes se brulent (1725)
from: van der Aa, P. La galerie agreable du monde. Tome premier des Indes Orientales, Leiden, c. 1725

Woman Thown into the Pyre (1563)
from: Banerjee, P. Burning Women, New York, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2003, p. 99

A Gentoo Woman Burning herself (1768)
from: Cavendish Drake, E. A, Universal Collection of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages and Travels, London, J. Cooke, 1768

Satī. Gentile women of the caste of the cattle drivers, who is buried alive with her husband after he had died [1540]
Codice Casanatense, Biblioteca Casanatense, ms. 1889, fol. 64r, Rome

Iphigenia Sacrifice [1609]
Palazzo Giustiniani-Odescalchi, Bassano Romano