Keyword: Animal Sacrifice – Image Gallery
Sacrifice of Noah (1649)
from: Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Fondo Nazionale; Pio; volume 8F.PIO
Istituto Centrale per la Grafica
Killing of the Passover Lamb, putting blood on the lintel and the door-posts (1335-1340)
from: Rylands Sephardi Haggadah, Passover Haggadah (Catalonia, Spain)
Manchester, The John Rylands Library, Hebrew MS 6, fol. 19v
The Idol Moloch with Seven Chambers or Chapels (1711)
from: Lund, Johann. Die Alten Jüdischen Heiligthümer, Hamburg, Fickweiler, 1711
David Sacrificing to God (16th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Cain and Abel Sacrifices (1493)
from: Schedel, Hartmann. Liber chronicarum, Nuremberg, 1493, c. 9v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Rar. 287, Münich
Deut., cap. XVIII, v. 3, Donaria pro Sacerdotibus (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome quatrieme, tab. CCCXLIII
Ritual killing of a goat and a fox during ceremonies in honor of Vishnu and Shiva (1670)
from: Abraham Rogerius, Le Théâtre de l’idolatrie ou la porte ouverte, Amsterdam, Jean Schipper, 1670, p. 224
Sacrificing the Sabine cow (1470-1480)
from: Valerius Maximus, Facta et dicta memorabilia, trad. Simon de Hesdin et Nicolas de Gonesse (Bruges)
Paris, BnF, Français 289 f.329v
Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1553)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Sacrifice in Egypt (1776 -1825)
Herzog August Bibliothek
Sacrifice of pure Animals (1731)
from: Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob, Physica Sacra (Kupfer-Bibel), Augsburg and Ulm, Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735, vol. 2, nach S. 378, Tafel 223 (ZB III ZZ 55) Illustriert Lev 1,2-3
Zürich, ZB, Graphische Sammlung, Füssli J.M. Phys. Sac. ZEI 63 / emanuscripta
Sacrifice to Mercury (1502 - 1507)
Cathedral, Biblioteca Piccolomini, Siena
Sacrifice of propitiation (1601)
from: , engraved illustration from Louis Richeome, Les tableaux sacrez (Paris, Sonnius: 1601), pag. 318
Persons bringing sacrifices to Hercules (1629)
from: Philostratus of Lemnos. Les images ou tableaux de platte peinture des deux Philostrates, sophistes grecs, et les Statues de Callistrate, tr. Blaise de Vigenère. Paris. 1629, p. 494.
The Warburg Institute, London
Sacrifice of a Swan (1599–1622)
from: from "Ex Antiquis Cameorum et Gemmae Delineata/ Liber Secundus/et ab Enea Vico Parmen Incis
New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Verwerfliche Opfer (1731)
from: Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob, Physica Sacra (Kupfer-Bibel), Augsburg and Ulm, Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735, vol. 2, p. 500, plate 282 (ZB III ZZ 55)Illustriert Lev 22,22-24
Zürich, ZB, Graphische Sammlung, Füssli J.M. Phys. Sac. ZEI 93 / emanuscripta
Allegory of the Old and New Testaments and the Church triumphing over the Synagogue (1523)
from: Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti
Ferrara, Pinacoteca
L'Autel du Sacrifice, Grotesques à fond noir, Divinités et Allégories (1550-1560)
from: France
V&A Museum, London
Marcus Aurelius While Offering a Sacrifice (16th Century)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
The Sacrifice of Pélias to Neptune (17th Century)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Noah, his family and the animals leave the ark and offer sacrifice to God (1500)
from: Metrical Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus [Ms Add. 40724, fol. 23]
British Library, London
Covenant between Abraham and God (1700)
from: Thesaurus sacrarum historiarum Veteris Testamenti, elegantissimis imaginibus expressum excellentissimorum in hac arte virorum opera, Sumptibus atque expensis, [Antwerp], Gerardi de Iode 1579
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
the healers making an offering to an idol asking if it can cure the sick person. As atonement, a number of goats are slaughtered. In the process, the tent of the sick man is incensed. In the background is a thanksgiving feast at an idol. On the right image, a man (according to the text a Jesuit) is being shaved by a toll master in front of some Dutchmen. (1682)
from: Vries, Simon de. Curieuse aenmerckingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische verwonderens-waerdige dingen, deel 4, p. 664 en deel 3, p. 596. Utrecht: J. Ribbius, 1682
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Levitici, Cap. XIII, v. 47 ad fin., Lepra vestium (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCLXXI
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Human Sacrifice on Pyramids with Aztec Gods (1579)
from: Diego de Duran, Historia de las Indias de Nueva España e islas de la tierra firme, 1579, c. 131r
The Scapegoat Being Sent out into the Wilderness Where Five Wild Beasts Are Waiting to Devour It, and Secondly the Sacrifice of an Ox (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 23v
Boston, Harvard Art Museums / Fogg Museum, Gift of Philip Hofer
Sacrifice of Lystra (1515)
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
The suicide of Themistocles [1675 - 1700]
Palazzo Reale, Turin
Joachim's sacrifice is refused [1500]
from: Anonymous / Unknown, Leven van Maria, Leiden, Hugo Janszoon van Woerden, 1500
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
A Jewish priest and high priest preparing to offer a sacrifice (1785)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3
Levitici, Cap. III, v. 4.16-17, Renes cum Pinguedine et Omento (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCXXV
Diruit aram, lucumq., Baal indeq. construit aram Domino, et holocaustum sacrificat (16th Century)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
The clothing of the Jewish priests (1697)
from: Johannes Braun: Bigdê kohanîm. Id Est Vestitus Sacerdotum Hebraeorum, 2 Bde., Amsterdam: Abraham van Someren, 1697-1698
Sacrifice of a Pig [1547 - 1587]
RISD Museum, Providence
Sacrifice of Cain and Abel (1463-1463)
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
The Adoration of the Lamb (1432)
from: The Ghent Altarpiece (or the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb), St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium
St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium
Aeneas sacrifices at the tomb of Anchises, a giant snake winds around the altar (1688)
from: Peplus virtutum Romanarum in Aenea Virgiliano eiusque rebus fortiter gestis, ad maiorem antiquitatis et rerum lucem, communi iuventutis sacratae bono, aere renitens) (Nuremburg: J.L. Buggel, 1688), pl. 18.
Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum
I. Paral. cap. XXI, v. 26, Ignis Davidi Oraculum (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome cinquieme, tab. CCCCXCVII
Noah, surrounded by animals, making a sacrifice to God after the Great Flood (1550-1572)
from: France
British Museum
Sacrifice of an Ox (1527 - 1528)
Palazzo Te, Camera dei venti, Mantua
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1320)
from: Golden Haggadah (northern Spain)
London, British Library, Add 27210, fol. 4v
Ladies of Krishna's Harem are Shown the Sacrificial Horse (1598)
from: Razmnama Mughal
Oriental and India Office Collection, British Library, London
Scene a Sacrifice with a slaughtered calf (1785)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3
Levitici, Cap. I, v. 8. 14, Holocausta ex Adipe et Avibus (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCXXIV
The Sacrifice of the Golden Mountoun [1550]
Bibliothèque municipale, Bordeaux
Rāma sends out his entire army, headed by Lakṣmaṇa and Vibhīṣaṇa, to fight Indrajit at the Nikumbhilā grove, where he is performing more magical sacrifices. Indrajit is sacrificing to the fire again with a black goat, while around him a furious battle is raging between Lakṣmaṇa and his allies and the other demons. Vibhīṣaṇa has advised Rāma to send Lakṣmaṇa to finish off Indrajit at the place where he is performing his magical arts, before he can make himself even more powerful. Inscribed above Indrajit: Iṃdrajit. (ca 1653)
from: Ramayana [ms Add. 15297(1), fol. 115]
British Library, London [from Udaipur]
Agnus Dei. (1635-1640)
Museo del Prado, Madrid
De Loting over de Twee Bokken op den Verfoendag (1701)
from: Petrus Cunaeus, Willem Goeree (transl.), De Republyk Der Hebreen, of Gemeenebest der Joden, in drie boeken, Amsterdam, 1701, p. 433
15th c. depiction of Jewish ritual slaughter of animals for consumption (15th)
from: Jacob b. Asher, Arba'ah Turim (Hebrew: אַרְבָּעָה טוּרִים)
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Cod. Ross. 555. fol. 127v
Ifigenia libens collum submitte securi; Non aliter, quando Troia perire potest (1713)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Preparation for the Sacrifice (1764)
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City
Recedentibus aquis diluvii a facie terrae, arca omnia contenta eiicit; Noe autem, ara extructa, Deum immolatione placavit. Gen. VIII [1581]
from: van der Borcht, P. Imagines et figurae Bibliorum, Antwerp, J. Villanus, 1581
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The sacrifice of the horse (asvamedha) by King Yudhisthira [1598 - 1605]
from: Ramznama
Louvre, Paris
Sacrifice of Joachim (1303-1305)
Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padova
a man sacrificing a fowl to one of the best known charms among the Akan, the nkabere charm. (18th-20th)
from: Ghana (The Kyekyere Nkabere charm (lit. to tie or bind the nkabere) was a common rite carried out throughout the Asante region during the pre-colonial and early colonial era).
British Museum, London
Psychés Father Consulting the Oracle (1530-1535)
from: Apuleius
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig
Snake Sacrifice [1690]
from: Udaipur, Rajasthan state, Mewar, India
Henri Vever Collection, Freer|Sackler gallery at the Smithsonian Institution
Ammon Herm (1652)
from: Athanasius Kircher, Oedipus Aegyptiacus, V. Mascardi, Roma,1652-1654
Shepherd sacrificing Ram
from: Book of Meshal Ha-Kadmoni (from Germany)
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod. hebr. 107 (Steinschneider 1895, No. 107), fol. 24
Captivos rex Asa boves promissaq. reddit [...] [1589]
Bibliothèque municipale, Bordeaux
A bull offered in sacrifice to Jupiter (16th Century)
Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome
A mountain city with multistoried hill architecture. Outside the gates on the right is a Saivite shrine with a lingum covered by floral offerings to which a goat is led, probably for sacrifice. (17th)
from: Unidentified Hindu chronicle of a King
Metropolitan Museum, New York
Musei Borgiani Velitris. Tab I. Pictura exhibens sacrificium solis. Tav. II Pictura Indica autographa exhibens holocaustum ignis (1791)
from: Paulinus a S. Bartholomaeo, Systema Brahmanicum liturgicum, mythologicum, civile, Rome 1791
New York Public Library
A Pagan Sacrifice (1526)
National Gallery, London
The preparation for the Passover festival: heep are slaughtered for Passover and a man purifies utensils in a cauldron over a fire (c. 1320)
from: Golden Haggadah (northern Spain)
London, British Library, Add 27210, fol. 15r
Molorchos making a Sacrifice to Hercules (1506)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Four Classical Figures (Pagan Sacrifice) (1638)
Metropolitan Museum, New York
Noah preparing his first sacrifice after the Flood (1700-1760)
Wellcome Collection, London
Elijah and the Priests of Baal (1525-1530)
from: Scenes for a 'Biblia Pauperum' published by Doen Pietersz
British Museum, London
The sacrifice of Noah [1725 - 1735]
Galleria dei dipinti antichi, Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena
Levitici, Cap. XIII, v. 29-37, Psora, Tinea (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCLXIX
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1710-1720]
Musée de l'Histoire de France, Versailles
Genesis, Cap. XV, v. 9-11, Sacrificium foederale (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome premier, tab. XXXIII
Two boys preparing to sacrifice a young buffalo, Vārānasi , India (1920)
Yale University Library
The sacrificed horse is prepared (1712)
from: Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Ms Add. 15295, fol. 34
British Library, London [from Udaipur]
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1822)
from: Modello in gesso per metope del Tempio della Trinità di Possagno
Venezia, Gallerie dell'Accademia
The Sacrifice of Isaac
from: Ancient mosaic pavement from the 6th century, Beit Alfa Synagogue
Beit Alfa Synagogue, Beit She'an (near to), Israel
Episode of Roman History with Iustitia and Prudentia (1711(?))
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Levitici, Cap. IX, v. 24 (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCXXVI
A King Sacrificing (17th Century)
Royal Collection Trust, London
Levitici, Cap. I, v. 2.3, Sacrificia ex Mundis (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCXXIII
Elijah and Baal's priests (1545)
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Manoah and his wife sacrificing [1430]
from: Psalterium romanum [Mantova]
Paris, BnF, Ms Latin 772, fol. 8
Sacrifice to Jupiter [1501 - 1525]
Musée Bonnat, Bayonne
A king sacrifices an animal in front of the statue of Thor (1639)
RKD – Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis
Burnt offerings in the Temple of Jerusalem from within the Court of the Levites (1660)
from: plate from the 'Restoration' Bible 2 vols., published by John Ogilby, Cambridge, 1660
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Exodi Cap. XXIX. v. 1.2 (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCVIII
King Solomon Sacrificing to the Idols (1640(?))
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT