Keyword: Animal Sacrifice – Image Gallery

Burnt offerings in the Temple of Jerusalem from within the Court of the Levites (1660)
from: plate from the 'Restoration' Bible 2 vols., published by John Ogilby, Cambridge, 1660
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

Spiritus timoris domini (1593 - 1597)
from: Adriaen Collaert; Johannes Stradanus, De zeven gaven van de Heilige Geest, n. p., Visscher, Claes Jansz, no year
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

A mountain city with multistoried hill architecture. Outside the gates on the right is a Saivite shrine with a lingum covered by floral offerings to which a goat is led, probably for sacrifice. (17th)
from: Unidentified Hindu chronicle of a King
Metropolitan Museum, New York

Sacrifice in Egypt (1776 -1825)
Herzog August Bibliothek

The Angel Departing from Manoah and His Wife (Victima per Manuen, domino mactatur optima: Vxor) (1584)
from: The Story of Samson, Hand-colored engravings (Netherlands)
Harvard Art Museum

Sacrifice of an Ox (1527 - 1528)
Palazzo Te, Camera dei venti, Mantua

Pagan Sacrifice of King Ahaz (1646)
from: Bibels tresoor, ofte der zielen lusthof, vytgebeelt in figueren, door verscheyden meesters. Ende gesneden, door Christoffel van Sichem, Amsterdam, P. I. Paets, 1646, p. 592
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Tikkun Kriah le-Kol Leilah ve-Yom (Prayer Book) (1666)
The Center for Jewish Art

A King Sacrificing (17th Century)
Royal Collection Trust, London

King Jeroboam Making Sacrifice to the Golden Calf (17 - 18)
Staten Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Shepherd sacrificing Ram
from: Book of Meshal Ha-Kadmoni (from Germany)
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod. hebr. 107 (Steinschneider 1895, No. 107), fol. 24

Levitici, Cap. IX, v. 24 (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCXXVI

Suovetaurilia, the sacrifice of a pig (sus), a sheep (ovis) and a bull (taurus) (1585-1588)
Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

Allegory of Triumph and Sacrifice [1520]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Tripod vessel with baby jaguar sacrifice scene (650–750)
Princeton University Art Museum

Levitici, Cap. XIII, v. 29-37, Psora, Tinea (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCLXIX

Levitici, Cap. XIII, v. 47 ad fin., Lepra vestium (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCLXXI

Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1602 - 1607]
from: Salsmann, Wilhelm. P. Ovid Nasonis XV Metamorphoseon librorvm figurae elegantissime a Cr[i]spiano Passaeo laminis aeneis incisae: quibus subiuncta sunt epigrammata latine ac germanice conscripta, fabularum omnium summam breviter ac erudite comprehendentia, Cologne, Joannem Jansonium, 1607
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Allegory of the Old and New Testaments and the Church triumphing over the Synagogue (1523)
from: Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti
Ferrara, Pinacoteca

Narasimha Avatar of Vishn (1760)
from: Illustrated folio from a Bhagavata Purana (Ancient Stories of the Lord). Nurpur Fort, Nurpur, Himachal Pradesh, India
Nasli and Alice Heeramaneck Collection, Museum Associates Purchase, LACMA (M.82.42.8)

A scene with fakirs and ritualistic animal sacrificeFaquires Bequedes Mahometans (1678-1686)
from: Nicolo Manucci, Histoire de l'Inde depuis Tamerlank jusquà Orangzeb [ms Libro Rosso, fol. 50v]
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

Cain killing Abel, besides Cain and Abel sacrificing [1370]
from: Speculum humanae salvationis, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Lat. 511, fol. 19r
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris

The sacrifice of the horse (asvamedha) by King Yudhisthira [1598 - 1605]
from: Ramznama
Louvre, Paris

Sacrifice with Vesta (1518 - 1519)
Camera di San Paolo, Parma

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Sacrifice of a Lamb by Four Men (1630(?))
from: Luther, Martin. Biblia das ist Die gantze Holy Scriptures Durch D. Martin Luther verutscht Strasbourg, Zetzner, [1630], Frontispiece
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Scene of cow sacrifice on a relief brass plaques (16th-17th)
from: Benin City, Nigeria
British Museum, London

Snake Sacrifice [1690]
from: Udaipur, Rajasthan state, Mewar, India
Henri Vever Collection, Freer|Sackler gallery at the Smithsonian Institution

The Sacrifice of Isaac
from: Ancient mosaic pavement from the 6th century, Beit Alfa Synagogue
Beit Alfa Synagogue, Beit She'an (near to), Israel

The Idol Moloch with Seven Chambers or Chapels (1711)
from: Lund, Johann. Die Alten Jüdischen Heiligthümer, Hamburg, Fickweiler, 1711

The Scapegoat Being Sent out into the Wilderness Where Five Wild Beasts Are Waiting to Devour It, and Secondly the Sacrifice of an Ox (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 23v
Boston, Harvard Art Museums / Fogg Museum, Gift of Philip Hofer

The sacrifice of Cain and Abel (1675)
Royal Collection Trust

L'Autel du Sacrifice, Grotesques à fond noir, Divinités et Allégories (1550-1560)
from: France
V&A Museum, London

Sacrifice of the red young cow (1683)
from: Petrus Cunaeus, De republyk der Hebreen, of gemeenebest der joden, 3 delen, Amsterdam, Wilhelmus Goeree, 1683
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Aeneas Offers Sacrifice to the Gods of the Lower World (1530-1540)
from: Vergil, Aeneid, edited by Sebastian Brant and printed by Johann Grüninge (Limoges, France)
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore

Dedication of a New Temple to Coatl God (1579)
from: Diego de Duran, Historia de las Indias de Nueva España e islas de la tierra firme, 1579, c. 170v

Aaron and his sons sacrificing a ram, as described in Exodus 29:13-22 (1731)
from: Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob, Physica Sacra (Kupfer-Bibel), Augsburg and Ulm, Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735, vol. 2, p. 324
Lowcountry Digital Library

Ritual Sacrifice of a Calf (1712)
from: Theophili Amilii... Erörterung der dunckelsten und schwersten Schrifft-Stellen im N. Testament, Franckfurt, Samuel Heyl, 1712
Wikimedia & google books

Sacrifice of Cain and Abel (1463-1463)
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Sacrifice of a Pig [1547 - 1587]
RISD Museum, Providence

The Adoration of the Lamb - The Song of the Elect (1511)
Louvre, Paris

Exodi, Cap. XXIX, v. 13-22, Deo ex Ariete Sacra (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCV

Levitici, Cap. XVII, v. 7 (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCLXXVII

Prior to taking up their abode in the hut, oblations have to be made to the presiding deities. Lakṣmaṇa hunts deer on the right, and returns to the hut to cook it; Rāma offers part of it as a sacrifice. The two brothers then eat, while Sītā waves a scarf over the food to keep the flies off, and she then retires to the hut to eat her own meal. The three begin their lives in exile in the peace of Citrakūṭa (ca 1653)
from: Ramayana, [ms Add. 15296(1), fol. 71]
British Library, London [from Udaipur]

The sacrifice of the red heifer [1530]
from: Bible moralisée [Napoli]
Paris, BnF, Français 9561 f.93

a Jewish priest and high priest preparing to offer a sacrifice (1785)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3

Sacrifice of Iphigenia (18th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Sacrifice of Noah (1519-1527)
Albertina, Vienna

Deut., cap. XVIII, v. 3, Donaria pro Sacerdotibus (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome quatrieme, tab. CCCXLIII

Exodi Cap. XXIX. v. 1.2 (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCVIII

The Adoration of the Lamb (1432)
from: The Ghent Altarpiece (or the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb), St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium
St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium

Levitici, Cap. III, v. 4. 16-17, Renes cum Pinguedine et omento (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCXXV

Two boys preparing to sacrifice a young buffalo, Vārānasi , India (1920)
Yale University Library

Sacrifice to Mercury (1502 - 1507)
Cathedral, Biblioteca Piccolomini, Siena

The Sacrifice of Iphigenia [1710-1720]
Musée de l'Histoire de France, Versailles

Ancient ritual sacrifice depicting a boar, a bull and a ram (suovetaurilia) being brought towards the altar at right, after a Roman relief from the Julio-Claudian era (1544-1577)
from: Series: Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, published in Rome

The sacrifice of Abel (1525)
from: Castel Durante, Italy
The State Ermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg

Opfer an Priapus (1493-1497)
from: Buchprojekt des Titels Archetypus triumphantis Romae[Germany]
Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Kupferstichkabinett, Inv. 183-1920

The Spirit of Piety; to the left, two lambs burn on a sacrificial altar, Abel kneels by his offering (1595)
from: Antwerp
The British Museum, London

Sacrificio di Gioacchino (XVII)
Chiesa di Breonio, Veneto

Exodi, Cap. XXXII, v. 20 (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCXX

Sacrifice to Bacchus [1501 - 1525]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

The sacrifice at the altar of Apollo (1571)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Levitici, Cap. XIII, v. 8-28, Lepra (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome troisieme, tab. CCLXVIII

Sacrifice des premiers nez chez les Floridiens, expliqué à la pag. 181. / Sacrifice de la dépoūille d'un cerf, à la Floride / Caraïbe offrant la Cassave et l'Ovicou, a un poteau érigé en titre ou symbole de la Divinité (Sacrifice of the firstborn by the Floridians. 2. Sacrifice of the stag in Florida. 3. A Carib offers cassava bread at a post symbolizing the deities) (1724)
from: Plate 7 in Lafitau, Moeurs des sauvages amériquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps, Paris, 1724

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1490 - 1495)
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien

After water had thrice been poured over Elijah's sacrifice, fire descended from heaven to consume it, whereupon the people renounced the worship (1530-1538)
from: Book of Hours. Use of Rome (Hours of Eleonora Ippolita Gonzaga)
Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Douce 29

Sacrifice of Noah [1580 - 1610]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Sacrifice for priestly ordination (1731)
from: Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob, Physica Sacra (Kupfer-Bibel), Augsburg and Ulm, Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735, vol 2, p. 324, Tafel 203 (ZB III ZZ 55)Illustriert Ex 29,1
Zürich, ZB, Graphische Sammlung, Füssli J.M. Phys. Sac. ZEI 50 / emanuscripta

De Loting over de Twee Bokken op den Verfoendag (1701)
from: Petrus Cunaeus, Willem Goeree (transl.), De Republyk Der Hebreen, of Gemeenebest der Joden, in drie boeken, Amsterdam, 1701, p. 433

Killing of the Passover Lamb, putting blood on the lintel and the door-posts (1335-1340)
from: Rylands Sephardi Haggadah, Passover Haggadah (Catalonia, Spain)
Manchester, The John Rylands Library, Hebrew MS 6, fol. 19v

Elijah and the Priests of Baal (1525-1530)
from: Scenes for a 'Biblia Pauperum' published by Doen Pietersz
British Museum, London

Sacrifice of Noah [1508 - 1510]
Sistine Chapel, vault, Vatican

Preparation for the Sacrifice (1764)
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City

Molorchos making a Sacrifice to Hercules (1506)
Musée du Louvre, Paris

Kapparot. Yom Kippur, the day before (1705)
from: from: Friedrich Albrecht Christiani, Der Juden Glaube und Aberblaub, Leipzig 1705, p. 102

The Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1671)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

The Women Sacrificing an Ass to Priapus (1553)
Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam

People of Qulla Suyu ofering a llama and basket of coca leaves to the mountain-waqa Willka Nuta (1615)
from: Guamán Poma de Ayala, F. Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno [1616]. Manuscript conserved in the København, Det Kongelige Bibliotek [ Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark ], GKS 2232 4°.

The sacrifice of Noah [1725 - 1735]
Galleria dei dipinti antichi, Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena

Scene of Animal Sacrifice (1668)
from: Der gantzen Welt Religionen oder Beschreibung aller Gottes- und Götzendienste wie auch Ketzereyen in Asia, Africa, America und Europa, Amsterdam, Joach. Nosch, 1668

The sacrifice of Moses (1586)
Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli

The Sacrifice of the Golden Mountoun [1550]
Bibliothèque municipale, Bordeaux

Joachim's sacrifice is refused [1500]
from: Anonymous / Unknown, Leven van Maria, Leiden, Hugo Janszoon van Woerden, 1500
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Cain killing Abel, besides Cain and Abel standing, holding their sacrifices [1420]
from: Speculum humanae salvationis, Prague, Národní Muzeum, III.B.10, fol. 22r
Národní Muzeum, Prague

The feast before the sacrifice (1712)
from: Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Ms Add. 15295, fol. 31
British Library, London [from Udaipur]

In the palace, Rāvaṇa and his remaining brothers and sons are bowed down by grief and Rāvaṇa wonders how he can ever be victorious in this conflict, when so many demon champions have been slain. Another son, Indrajit, boasts that he will overcome Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa and sets out in his chariot, surrounded by other demons on elephants, horses and in chariots. In a separate chamber (the text actually says on the battlefield), he prepares offerings, seizing a young black goat by the neck, to the god of Fire in order to conjure up his most magical weapons and to make himself invisible. (ca 1653)
from: Ramayana [ms Add. 15297(1), fol. 97]
British Library, London [from Udaipur]

Sacrifice to Jupiter [1501 - 1525]
Musée Bonnat, Bayonne