Dürer, Albrecht

The Adoration of the Lamb - The Song of the Elect

Year: 1511

Location: Louvre, Paris

Edited by: Chiara Petrolini

Related Documents:

Holbein the Elder, Hans

The Sacrifice of Elijah (1543)

from: Historiarum Veteris Testamenti icones ad vivum expressae. Lyon, Subscuto coloniensis, apud Ioannem & Franciscum Frellonios, frates, 1543

Louvre, Paris

Anonymous / Unknown

The Sacrifice of Elijah [1465]

from: Biblia pauperum

Louvre, Paris

Eyck, Jan van

The Adoration of the Lamb (1432)

from: The Ghent Altarpiece (or the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb), St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium

St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium

Moulins, Guiart des

Sacrifice of the ram and the lamb (1301-1400)

from: La Bible hystoriaus

Paris, BnF, Français 160, fol 95

Anderson, G. A. ; Freedman, D. N. F. (Ed.)

Sacrifice and Sacrificial Offerings (OT)

in: Anchor Bible Dictionary, pp. 870-886

Yale : Yale University Press, 1992.

Keywords: Bible