Sacrifice to Jupiter: two priests burning an animal on the altar fire, placed before a statue of Jupiter enthroned; in the foreground, a mother pointing to the altar and a man cutting the throat of a lamb
Year: 1550-1583
Location: The British Museum, London
External link:
Edited by: Chiara Petrolini
Related Documents:
Burnt offerings in the Temple of Jerusalem from within the Court of the Levites (1660)
from: plate from the 'Restoration' Bible 2 vols., published by John Ogilby, Cambridge, 1660
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Animal Sacrifice [1471]
Modena, Biblioteca Estense, Lat. 992
Satyrs offering a sacrifice to Pan (1510)
Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano
Human sacrifice in the forest (1660)
from: Johan Picardt, Korte beschryvinge van eenige vergetene en verborgene antiquiteten ... in het antiquiteet-rijcke landschap Drenth, Tymon Houthaak, Amsterdam, 1660, fol. 67
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam