Dente, Marco

Sacrifice of Noah

Year: 1519-1527

Location: Albertina, Vienna

Authority file:

Edited by: Chiara Petrolini

Related Documents:

Füssli, Johann Melchior

Verwerfliche Opfer (1731)

from: Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob, Physica Sacra (Kupfer-Bibel), Augsburg and Ulm, Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735, vol. 2, p. 500, plate 282 (ZB III ZZ 55)Illustriert Lev 22,22-24

Zürich, ZB, Graphische Sammlung, Füssli J.M. Phys. Sac. ZEI 93 / emanuscripta

Fantetti, Cesare; Aquila, Pietro (After Raffaello Sanzio)

The Sacrifice of Noah (1675)

from: Imagines Veteris Ac Novi Testamenti A Raphaele Sanctio Urbinate in Vaticani

Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Fondo Nazionale; Pio; volume 8F.PIO

Füssli, Johann Melchior

Sacrifice of pure Animals (1731)

from: Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob, Physica Sacra (Kupfer-Bibel), Augsburg and Ulm, Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735, vol. 2, nach S. 378, Tafel 223 (ZB III ZZ 55) Illustriert Lev 1,2-3

Zürich, ZB, Graphische Sammlung, Füssli J.M. Phys. Sac. ZEI 63 / emanuscripta

[Wiener Meister]

Sacrifice scene [1420-1430]

from: Codex Historienbibel, Vienna

Albertina, Vienna