Keyword: Spain
Varias antigüedades de España, África y otras provincias. Por el doctor Bernardo Aldrete [...]
Antwerp: Geeraerd Wolschaten ; Hendrik Aertssens, 1614.
Altar and reliquary of Saint Sisenandus of Beja (18th Century)
Sé de Beja (Cathedral of St. James the Great), Beja (Portugal)
Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo from Cordova (1655)
from: Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo (Engraving), Amsterdam, 1665.
Painting of Santa Flora, Martyr in Cordoba (A.D. 851) (17th Century)
Altar piece of the Capilla Mayor (main altar) of Cordoba Cathedral. Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba (Spain)
Saint Pelayo (bas-relief carved in stone) (11-12nd Century)
Museo Arqueológico de León (Spain). Formerly at the Colegiata de San Isidoro, León.
Saint Pelayo from Cordova [18-19th Century]
Ceramic Tiles in San Pelagio Seminary, Cordoba
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (857) [1633 - 1668]
Altarpiece of the Main Altar of the Church of San Juan de Dios. Cabra (Spain)
San Aurelio y Santa Sabigotho su Muge. Y San Jorge Monje. San Féliz y Santa Liliosa, su Muger. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Fausto, San Januario y San Marcial. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Pelagio y San Sancho. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Perfecto, Pres[bitero] Proto-Martir de la Persecución Arábiga en Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Zoilo Mártir, Nobilísimo Cavallero Cordobés. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Santa Flora, Mártir de Córdoba. Santa María, Mártir de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card