Topic: 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
Spanning from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, this section delves into the complex world of religiously motivated wars, where martyrdom and self-sacrifice dedicated to God played a pivotal role. It offers an extensive collection of printed sources and images that trace the evolution of this phenomenon through the crusades, the Reconquista, and various holy wars. This assortment includes materials from the twelfth to the twentieth century and provides a comprehensive bibliography that examines these events from both sacred and secular viewpoints.
Peter the Hermit preaches the First Crusade (1827 - 1829)
France National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Richelieu), Paris
Beheading of the five martyrs of Morocco (1508)
Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon (Proceeding from San Francisco Church in Évora, Portugal)
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (died on March 13, 857 AD) (19th Century)
Sacresty of the Church Asunción y Ángeles, Cabra (Spain)
S[a]n Rodrigo, Patrono de Cabra (19th Century)
Sacresty of the San Francisco y San Rodrigo Church, Cabra (Spain). Oil on Zinco plate.
Discovery of the leaden books of Sacromonte (Granada) [1741]
from: Heredia Barnuevo, Diego N. Mystico ramillete historico, chronologyco, panegyrico, texido de las tres fragrantes flores del nobilissimo antiguo origen, exemplarissima vida, y meritissima fama posthuma del Ambrosio de Granada ... el Illmo. y V.Sr. Don Pedro de Castro, Vaca y Quiñones ... Arzobispo de Granada, y Sevilla, y Fundador Magnifico de la Insigne Iglesia Colegial del Sacro Monte Illipulitano, Granada, Imprenta Real, 1741.
Discovery of the leaden books of Sacromonte (Granada) [1741]
from: Heredia Barnuevo, Diego N. Mystico ramillete historico, chronologyco, panegyrico, texido de las tres fragrantes flores del nobilissimo antiguo origen, exemplarissima vida, y meritissima fama posthuma del Ambrosio de Granada ... el Illmo. y V.Sr. Don Pedro de Castro, Vaca y Quiñones ... Arzobispo de Granada, y Sevilla, y Fundador Magnifico de la Insigne Iglesia Colegial del Sacro Monte Illipulitano, Granada, Imprenta Real, 1741.
Ecce Servus meus, Suscipiam eum, electus meus, complacuit sibi in illo anima mea, dedi Spiritum meum super eum, iudicium gentibus proferet... Isa. 42. Deduxit eos in Spe, et Inimicos eorum operuit mare Et induxit eos in Montem Sanctisficationis Sive Montem quem acquisivit dextera eius. Ps. 77. [1620]
from: Antolínez de Burgos, J. Historia eclesiástica de Granada [manuscript, composed around 1620 and conserved in the Library and Historical Archives of the Abadía de Sacromonte, Granada].
Martyrdom of Juan Martínez Jáuregui, clergyman of Mairena (1610)
from: Antolínez, J. Historia Eclesiástica de Granada, 1610.
Mille Clypei pendent exea Plantaverunt Ecclesiam Sanguine suo. Expoliti Lapidis suis Coaptantur Locis Per Manus Artificis Disponuntur Permansuri Sacris Aedificiis. Fundamenta eius in Montibus S[anc]tis. [1741]
from: Heredia Barnuevo, Diego N. Mystico ramillete historico, chronologyco, panegyrico, texido de las tres fragrantes flores del nobilissimo antiguo origen, exemplarissima vida, y meritissima fama posthuma del Ambrosio de Granada ... el Illmo. y V.Sr. Don Pedro de Castro, Vaca y Quiñones ... Arzobispo de Granada, y Sevilla, y Fundador Magnifico de la Insigne Iglesia Colegial del Sacro Monte Illipulitano, Granada, Imprenta Real, 1741.
Ugíjar Martyrs (1610)
from: Antolínez, J. Historia Eclesiástica de Granada, 1610.
Frontispiece of the book Historia Eclesiástica de Granada, 1638. (1638)
from: Bermúdez de Pedraza, F. Historia Eclesiástica de Granada, Granada, 1638.
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (857) (1789)
Parish of the Assumption (Parroquia de la Asunción). Arroyo de la Luz, Cáceres (Spain).
After suffering a long siege, Malta finally repels Turks' attack (1565) (1852)
Salles des Croisades, Châteaux de Versailles, Versailles (France)
Miniature from Raymond Lull's Vita coetanea or a Threaty on the Demonstration of the Truth of Christianity through Art (Breviculum, miniature V). [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature V).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
Miniature from Raymond Lull's Vita coetanea or a Threaty on the Demonstration of the Truth of Christianity through Art (Breviculum, miniature VIII). [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature VIII).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
Raymond Lull Demonstrating the Truth of Christianity to Infidels through Intellectual and Rational Arguments (Breviculum, miniature IX). [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature IX).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
Raymond Lull’s supposed martyrdom in Tunis [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature X).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
The origins of Raymond Lull's works and his explication of the Christian theory of Sacrifice (Breviculum, miniature I) [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature I).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
The Saracen: I would rather hang myself with a noose, than suffer the vengeance of Christians for having blasphemed Christ. [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature III).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.