Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (died on March 13, 857 AD)
Year: 19th Century
Location: Sacresty of the Church Asunción y Ángeles, Cabra (Spain)
Edited by: Michele Bosco
Related Documents:
Martyrdom of Saint Roderick (17th Century)
Church of San Juan de Dios, Cabra (Spain)
Statue of Saint Eulogius, Cordovan Martyr [18th Century]
San Francisco and San Eulogio Church, Cordoba (Spain).
Martyrdom of S. Eulogius and S. Leocricia of Cordoba [1910]
from: Historia de España, III vols., ed. M. Seguí, 1910-1927.
S[a]n Rodrigo, Patrono de Cabra (19th Century)
Sacresty of the San Francisco y San Rodrigo Church, Cabra (Spain). Oil on Zinco plate.