Topic: 1. Sacrifice and Bible (16th-18th Century)
The Bible, with its plethora of examples of sacrifice and self-sacrifice, plays a pivotal role in shaping the discourse on sacrifice in the early modern world.
This section includes:
- Sources: A broad selection of early modern writings, encompassing biblical exegesis, theological and philosophical interpretations, various translations, prayer books, and hymns.
- Iconographic Representations: This visual collection showcases early modern depictions of biblical sacrifices, including key scenes like the Sacrifice of Isaac as interpreted in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions.
- Related Bibliography: Complemented by a comprehensive bibliography of scholarly works from the 19th to 21st centuries, offering modern perspectives and analyses of these historical interpretations.
A criticism upon modern notions of sacrifices being an examination of Dr. Taylor's scripture-doctrine of atonement examined, In Relation I. To Jewish Sacrifices. II. To the Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. To which is added an appendix, containing an examination of another notion of Jewish sacrifices, which is exhibited in an anonymous Piece
London: C. Henderson, T. Becket, P. A. de Hondt, 1761.
La Rappresentatione di Sansone
Florence: n. p., 1550.
Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible
Amsterdam: Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737.
De Iesu Christo servatore, hoc est, cur et qua ratione Iesus Christus noster servator sit, Fausti Socini Senensis disputatio. Quam annos ab hinc circiter decem et septem scripsit, respondens Iacobo Coveto Parisiensi, Evangelico, ut vocant, ministro; cujus scriptum ordine, suis locis, per partes digestum, in ea habetur. In qua multa, quae apud Evangelicos, et partim etiam apud alios, salutaria Christianae religionis axiomata creduntur, perniciosi errores esse demonstrantur; et tota salutis nostrae per Christum ratio copiose ac dilucide explicatur
[Raków]: Typis Alexii Rodecii, 1594.
Praelectiones theologicae Fausti Socini Senensis
Raków: Typis Sebastiani Sternacii, 1609.
Sacrae Theologiae Theses, in comitiis Provincialibus Aragoniae, Regii, ac Militaris Ordinis Beatae Mariae de Mercede, Redemptionis Captivorum, controvertendae: in Templo Divo Lazaro Sacro, Regii Coenobii Caesaraugustani. Eiusdem Ordinis, Diebus 11, 12 & 13. Maii, anno 1755
Barcelona: Franciscus Surià, ? [1755].
An essay upon the nature, design and origin of sacrifices
London: [John] Knapton ; [Paul] Knapton, 1748.
The Scripture-doctrine of Antonement Examined: First, in Relation to Jewish Sacrifices: and Then, to the Sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
London: J. Waugh, 1751.
De Imitatione Christi et de contemptu mundi
Venice: Johannes Leoviller ; Franciscus de Madiis, 1486.
Dissertatio theologica tertia, de festo tabernaculorum: quæ singularem ordinem sacrificiorum in eo faciendorum exponit, ad Numer. XXIX. 12-38
n. p.: Henricus Halma, 1721.
Iohannis Volkelii Misnici De vera religione libri quinque: quibus praefixus est Iohannis Crelli Franci liber De Deo et ejus attributis, ita ut unum cum illis opus constitat
Raków: Typis Sebastiani Sternacii, 1630.