Sacrae Theologiae Theses, in comitiis Provincialibus Aragoniae [...] controvertendae [...] anno 1755
Sacrae Theologiae Theses, in comitiis Provincialibus Aragoniae, Regii, ac Militaris Ordinis Beatae Mariae de Mercede, Redemptionis Captivorum, controvertendae: in Templo Divo Lazaro Sacro, Regii Coenobii Caesaraugustani. Eiusdem Ordinis, Diebus 11, 12 & 13. Maii, anno 1755
Barcelona: Franciscus Surià, ? [1755].
Keywords: Catholic Theory of SacrificeControversyMercedarians (O. de M.)Redemption of CaptivesTheology
1. Sacrifice and Bible (16th-18th Century) 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
1. Sacrifice and Bible (16th-18th Century) 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
Authority file:
Edited by: Michele Bosco
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