La Rappresentatione di Sansone
Florence: n. p., 1550.
Other editions:
Florence, n. p., 1571; Siena, n. p., 1580; Florence, Baleni, 1588; Siena, Alla loggia del Papa, 1616;
Authority file:
Related Documents:
The Story of Samson [1525 - 1530]
Kunstmuseum, Basel
Samson Hostes Suos Exitio Dans Moritur [1711 - 1720]
from: Bernard Picart; Gerard Hoet, Figures de la Bible, Amsterdam, B. Picart, 1720
Two dissertations: the first on the supposed suicide of Samson; wherein the part he bore in his own death is vindicated from the imputation of self-murther; and the nature and heinousness of that crime are fully set forth; the second, on Jepththa's vow, wherein is proved that his vow was fulfilled, and his daughter not sacrificed
London: William Innys - Jonathan Richardson, 1754.
Samson's Death (1549)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Samson's Death (1646)
from: Sichem, Christoffel van, de Jonge; B. Blens; J. Klooster, Bybels lusthof, ofte Twee hondert en veertig, zoo historien als leeringen des Bybels; uyt het Oude- en Nieuwe Testament, met de scriftuurplaatsen daar toe dienendeBybels lusthof, ofte Twee hondert en veertig, zoo historien als leeringen des Bybels; uyt het Oude- en Nieuwe Testament, met de scriftuurplaatsen daar toe dienende, Jan Klooster, Amsterdam 1740, p. 69 [It appears also in: Christoffel van Sichem, Bibels Tresoor ofte der zielen lusthof. Amsterdam, P.J. Paets, 1646]