An essay upon the nature, design and origin of sacrifices
An essay upon the nature, design and origin of sacrifices
London: [John] Knapton ; [Paul] Knapton, 1748.
1. Sacrifice and Bible (16th-18th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century)
1. Sacrifice and Bible (16th-18th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century)
Authority file:
Edited by: Marco Albertoni
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De docta simplicitate primae ecclesiae, et de usu calicis in Synaxi, et de Eucharistico sacrificio, adversus petulantem insultationem Iacobi Andreae, Pastoris Göppingensis Barth. Latomi Responsio
Cologne: Maternus Cholinus, 1559.
The unbloody sacrifice, and altar, unvail'd and supported. : In which the nature of the eucharist is explain'd according to the Sentiments of the Christian Church in the Four First Centuries. Part the second. Shewing, The Agreement and Disagreement of the Eucharist with the Sacrifices of the Antients, and the Excellency of the former. The great Moment of the Eucharist both as a Feast, and Sacrifice. The Necessity of frequent Communion. The Unity of the Eucharist. The Nature of Excommunication. And the Primitive Method of Preparation. With Devotions for the Altar. I deny not, but that the Fathers do, and that with great reason, very much magnity the wonderful Mystery, and Efficacy of this Sacrament, and frequently speak of a great Supernatural Change made by the Divine Benediction ; which we also readily acknowledge. Archbishop Tillotson, in his Discourse of Transubstantiation, Pag. 291. of his Works in Folio, publish'd in his Life-Time. By John Johnson, A.M.
London: Robert Knaplock, [1718].
Yom Kippuring Passover: Recombinant Sacrifice in Early Christianity
in: Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the Bible, pp. 65-83
Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011.
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