Keyword: Human Sacrifice

Displaying results from 41 to 60 of 61


Sacrifice of Jephthah (1461)

from: Speculum humanae salvationis (Belgium)

Lyon. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms 245, fol. 125


The Sacrifice of Isaac (1270-1274)

from: Psalterium Parisiense, Psautier dit de saint Louis (France)

Paris, BnF, Latin 10525, fol. 10


The Sacrifice of Isaac [1200-1300]

from: Les « Histoires Roger », ou Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César , composée par un clerc sous les auspices du châtelain de Lille, Roge

Paris, BnF, Français 20125, fol. 35


The Sacrifice of Isaac (16th)

from: Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ, Nīšāpūrī, Isḥāq Ibn-Ibrāhīm

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Diez A fol. 3


The Sacrifice of Isaac (1275–1324)

from: Haggadah for Passover according to Spanish rite (the 'Hispano-Moresque Haggadah') Created: 1275–1324, Castile, Spain Hebrew

London, British Library, ms Orriental 2737

Wohlgemuth, Micheal [Wolgemut]

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1493)

from: Schedel, Hartmann. Liber chronicarum, Nuremberg, 1493, c. 22v

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Rar. 287, Münich

Wolgemut [Wohlgemuth], Michael

Jephtha sacrificing his daughter (1491)

from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 34v

British Museum, London

Wolgemut [Wohlgemuth], Michael

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1491)

from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 32v

British Museum, London

Displaying results from 41 to 60 of 61