The sentinel in the employ of the Shah of Tabaristan prepares to sacrifice his son to the ghost of the Shah’s soul (Mughal India, court of Akbar)
Year: 1560
From: from a Tuti-nama (Tales of a Parrot): Second Night
Location: The Cleveland Museum of Art
External link:
Edited by: Chiara Petrolini
Related Documents:
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Hebrew Union College Library, ms. 901, fol. 32v
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from: This album of 104 folios known as the Clive Album
London, V&A Museum
Ibrâhîm [Abraham] holding a knife is about to sacrifice his son Ismâ'îl (Ishmael) who kneels before him (1580)
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The New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. Persian MS. 46
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The Cleveland Museum of Art
"The First Adventure of the White Horse". The king performed the horse sacrifice in order to determine the extent of his rule. For one year a horse wanders and every land through which the horse passes becomes part of the king’s territory. Arjuna following the horse encountered the son-in-law of the god of fire, Agni, who creates a river of fire to block the warriors. Arjuna pleads with Agni, the god of fire that the horse be allowed to pass, saying that the horse sacrifice is in accordance with sacred Vedic injunctions, and that at the end of the year, the horse will be sacrificed to him, the god of fire himself. (1610-1617)
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The Cleveland Museum of Art