Editor: Chiara Petrolini
Titlepage of Theatrum Biblicum (1639)
from: Theatrum biblicum, hoc est historiæ sacræ Veteris et Novi Testamenti tabulis æneis expressæ. Opus præstantissimorum huius ac superioris seculi pictorum atque sculptorum, summo studio conquisitum et in lucem editum per Nicolaum Iohannis Piscatorem. Amsterdam, 1639
The Chochin Chinese sacrifice the first fruits of the year to their god Fo (1787 -1810)
from: A voyage to Cochinchina, in the years 1792 and 1793. To which is annexed an account of a journey made in the years 1801 and 1802, to the residence of the chief of the Booshuana nation
Sacrifice in Egypt (1776 -1825)
Herzog August Bibliothek
Il Beato Lorenzino Da Marostica Presunta Vittima d’un Omicidio Rituale
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Das religiöse Opfer. Zur Soziologie religiöser Heilslehre, Gewalt(losigkeit) und Gemeinschaftsbildung
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Reformations of the Body Idolatry, Sacrifice, and Early Modern Theater
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Shakespeare and Revenge: Anthropologies of Sacrifice in Titus Andronicus and Othello
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New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Ren and Gantong: Openess of Heart and the Root of Confucianism
in: Philosophy East and West, v. 62 (2012), issue 4: pp.463-504.
Methods of Killing. Human Sacrifice in Shang-Dynasty Oracle-Bone Inscriptions
in: minima sinica, v. 20 (2008), issue 1: pp.11-29.
Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America
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