Editor: Chiara Petrolini
Gli animali e la sofferenza. La questione della Shechità e o diritti dei viventi
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Tamil Temple Myths: Sacrifice and Divine Marriage in the South Indian Saiva Tradition
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La dimensione politico-filosofica dei caeremonialia hebraeorum: Baruk Spinoza e Simone Luzzatto
in: Materia Giudaica, v. 13 (2008), issue : pp.81-90.
The Sacrifice of Abel (1530-1535)
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett
Lycaon at left, with the face of a wolf, carrying an axe over his left shoulder and approaching Jupiter (1523)
from: Italy
The British Museum, London
Amor and Psyche. Psyche's father consults the oracle, animals for sacrifice (1530)
from: Apuleius, La novella di Psiche, Rome, 1530-1560, Plate: 4
The Warburg Institute, London
Heat and Sacrifice in the Vedas
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1985.
La scienza nuova 1730
Roma: Storia e Letteratura, 2013 [1730].
La scienza nuova 1744
Roma: Storia e Letteratura, 2013 [1744].
Map of Revelation: Sacrifice and Conversion in the Planisphere of Juan de la Cosa
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Xavier’s Sacrifice and Vision for Introducing Christianity to Japan. Dissensions and Similitudes between Religious Philosophical Interrelations in the Early Days of the Jesuits in Japan
in: Hispania Sacra, v. 71 (2019), issue 143: pp.131-140.
After water had thrice been poured over Elijah's sacrifice, fire descended from heaven to consume it, whereupon the people renounced the worship (1530-1538)
from: Book of Hours. Use of Rome (Hours of Eleonora Ippolita Gonzaga)
Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Douce 29
Landscape with Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac in left foreground, (1605-1652)
The British Museum, London