Editor: Chiara Petrolini

Displaying results from 181 to 200 of 1526

Anonymous / Unknown

Satrughna is wounded by Kusa and Lava during Rama's horse-sacrifice (1616)

from: Leaf from a dispersed manuscript of Razmnama

Harvard University, Fine Arts Library, SS_22349926

Anonymous / Unknown

Scene of a sati. In the foreground, a widowed woman (encountered by Della Valle on November 12, 1623) on horseback holds a mirror and a lemon amidst a crowd. In the background, a woman throws herself into the flames of a funeral pyre (1665)

from: Della Valle, Pietro, De volkome beschryving der voortreffelijke reizen van de deurluchtige reisiger Pietro della Valle, edelman van Romen, in veel voorname gewesten des werrelts, sedert het jaer 1615, tot in 't jaar 1626 gedaan. Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1666, vol. 5, pag. 163

Anonymous / Unknown

Scene of worship and human sacrifice at a native American or Mexican temple (1691)

from: Antonio de Solís y Rivadeneira, Histoire de la conquête du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, Paris, Boudot, 1691. p. 275

Anonymous / Unknown

Self-sacrifice of King Codrus of Athens (1432)

from: Speculum humanae salvationis, Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Ms Vit. 25-7 (olim B. 19), fol. 24r

Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid

Anonymous / Unknown

Simon on the altar (“victima”) (1475)

from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 9v

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich

Anonymous / Unknown

Solomon sacrifices at Gabaon (1428)

from: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek - Clm 15701, fol. 144v

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich

Anonymous / Unknown

The feast before the sacrifice (1712)

from: Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Ms Add. 15295, fol. 31

British Library, London [from Udaipur]

Anonymous / Unknown

The Loyall Sacrifice (1648) (1760 - 1799)

The Collection of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London

Anonymous / Unknown

The sacrifice of Abel (1525)

from: Castel Durante, Italy

The State Ermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg

Anonymous / Unknown

The Sacrifice of Cain [1530]

from: Urbino

V&A Museum, London

Anonymous / Unknown

The Sacrifice of Elijah [1465]

from: Biblia pauperum

Louvre, Paris

Displaying results from 181 to 200 of 1526