Topic: 7. Sacrifices of self: Martirology and Catholic global missions (16th-18th Century)
From the sixteenth to the eighteenth Century, Catholic missionary endeavors across the globe produced a wealth of sources that shed light on various forms of sacrifice. These sources often intertwine factual accounts with the emphasis on martyrdom, adopting specific theological, narrative, and iconographic frameworks. This section presents a comprehensive collection of early modern printed sources and images that illustrate these dynamics. Additionally, it includes a thorough bibliography covering scholarly works from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing contemporary insights into the historical context and significance of these sacrifices.
The Making of an Enterprise: The Society of Jesus in Portugal, its Empire, and Beyond, 1540-1750
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.
Un Epistolario de Bernardo José Aldrete (1612-1623)
Seville: Archivo General de Andalucía (Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura), 2009.
Un réseau miraculaire. Relations, acteurs et significations de la douleur autour des guérisons du jésuite Giuseppe Pignatelli (première moitié du xixe siècle)
in: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, v. 203 (2023), issue --: pp.141-166.
Franciscan Matryrs in Morocco (1708)
from: San Juan del Puerto, F. Mission Historial de Marruecos: en que se trata de los martirios, persecuciones y trabajos que han padecido los Missionarios y fruto que han cogido las Missiones que desde sus principios tuvo la Orden Seraphica en el imperio de Marruecos y continua la provincia de San Diego de Franciscos Descalços de Andalucia en el mismo Imperio... por Fr. Francisco de San Juan de el Puerto. Francisco Garay, Sevilla, 1708.
Decapitaciones, cefaloforías y otros relatos más o menos hagiográficos
in: Voz y Letra. Revista de Literatura., v. 1 (1990), issue II: pp.185 - 190.
0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century) 7. Sacrifices of self: Martirology and Catholic global missions (16th-18th Century)
Historia de las cosas de Ethiopia. En la qual se cuenta muy copiosamente, el estado y potencia del Emperador della, (que es el que muchos han pensado ser el preste Juan) con otras infinitas particularidades assi de la religion de aquella gente, como de sus cerimonias; segun que de todo ello fue testigo de vista Francisco Alvarez, Capellán del Rey Don Manuel de Portugal. Agora nuevamente traduzido de portugues a castellano por el padre Fray Thomás de Padilla
Zaragoza: Augustín Millán, 1551.
Relatione di alcune cose cavate dalle lettere scritte negli anni 1619. 1620. et 1621. dal Giappone
Rome: eredi di Bartolomeo Zannetti, 1624.
A Gentoo Woman Burning Herself (1770)
A Gentoo Woman Burning herself (1768)
from: Cavendish Drake, E. A, Universal Collection of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages and Travels, London, J. Cooke, 1768
Adam Aracava (1623)
from: Trigault, N. De Christianis Apvd Iaponios Trivmphis, Munich, Sadeler, 1623
Altar of the Holy Martyrs (16. sec)
Museu de São Roque, Lisbon
Altar of the Holy Virgins (16. sec)
Museu de São Roque, Lisbon
Ambrosius Fernandes Lusitanus (1646)
from: Cardim, F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Roma, Corbelletti, 1646
An Indian Woman Burning (1780)
from: Moore, Voyages and Travels, 1780
London, Wellcome Collection
Andreas Saito Iappon (1646)
from: Cardim, F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Roma, Corbelletti, 1646
Antonius Kiuni Iappon (1646)
from: Cardim, F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Roma, Corbelletti, 1646
Arimae (1623)
from: Trigault, N. De Christianis Apvd Iaponios Trivmphis, Munich, Sadeler, 1623
Asian Martyr
Saint Anthony of Padua Convent, Puebla City
Augustinus Ota Iappon (1646)
from: Cardim, F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Roma, Corbelletti, 1646