Anonymous / Unknown

Asian Martyr

Location: Saint Anthony of Padua Convent, Puebla City

Edited by: Elisa Frei

Related Documents:

Anonymous / Unknown; von Streit, Robert & Dindinger, Johannes (Eds.)

Bibliotheca Missionum

Münster-Rome: Aschendorff-Herder, 1916-74.

Anonymous / Unknown

Dominicus (1623)

from: Trigault, N. De Christianis Apvd Iaponios Trivmphis, Munich, Sadeler, 1623

Anonymous / Unknown

Martyrs of Nagasaki (1626)

from: Speed, J. The Kingdome of China Newly Augmented (Omata-Rappo, H. Death on the Cross; the Beatification of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki (1627) and the Iconography of the Crucifixion, in Universo Barroco Iberoamericano 16 (2020) p. 136)

Harvard Pussey Library, Boston