Topic: 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
During the volatile period between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, the concept of martyrdom underwent significant reinterpretations across different Christian denominations. This section explores how Catholics, Protestants, and Anabaptists each uniquely perceived and portrayed martyrdom. Protestants, countering the Catholic notion of sainthood, crafted new martyrologies to establish a lineage of sacrifice rooted in what they deemed as true faith. Similarly, the Anabaptists viewed the state of persecution, as chronicled in their martyrologies, as a testament to being part of the true church. This collection includes a wide array of early modern Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, and Anabaptist printed sources and images. It is further enriched by a comprehensive bibliography spanning from the 19th to the 21st Century, offering modern perspectives on these historical interpretations
Johannes Hus - Martyr : Historice descriptus, & Consensu Ampliss. Facult. Phil. Solenni Disputatione. Moderatore Dn. M. Adamo Rechenberg. S.S. Theolog. Baccal. et facult. Phil. Assessore, Aer. Chr. MDCLXXI. D. II. Dec. Eruditis a Johanne Wernero, Vratisl. Phil. Baccal. Autore-Respond. publice exhibitus
Leipzig: Johann-Enrici Hahnii, 1671.
Dye histori so zwen Augustiner Ordens gemartert seyn tzu Bruxel in Probant von wegen des Evangeli
Erfurt: Wolfgang Stürmer, 1523.
Verísima relación del riguroso y acervo martyrio que la reyna inglesa dio á dos soldados de nuestra nación española, del exército del Príncipe Cardenal, y de cómo la sereníssima Virgen les manifestó el martirio que havian de pasar, juntamente con el convertimiento de seis judíos que recibieron el mismo martirio muriendo empalados. En 17 de mayo de 1596 años. Con un romance al cabo.
Alcalá de Henares: Herederos de Sebastián Martínez, 1596.
De Iustitia Britannica, sive Anglica: quae contra Christi martyres continenter exercetur.
Ingolstadt: Davidis Sartorii, 1584.
De probatis Sanctorum historiis: partim ex tomis Aloysii Lipomani doctissimi episcopi. partim etiam ex egregiis manuscriptis codicibus, quarum per mulktae antehac nunquam in lucem prodiere: nunc recens optima fide callectis
Cologne: Geruinum Calenium et haeredes Quentelios, 1570.
Delle tragedie sacre e morali raccolte dal signor abbate Don Martino la Farina. 12: Delle tragedie sacre e morali del molto reverendo padre Hortensio Scammacca della Compagnia di Giesu lentinese
Palermo: Decio Cirillo, 1648.
Van de Gronden der Mennistery, Oft Waerschouwinge Over 't Bloedtooneel der Doopsgesinde van Thieleman van Bracht
Leeuwarden: Pieter Allerts, 1671.
L'antimartyrologe, ou Vérité manifestée contre les histoires des supposés martyrs de la religion prétendue réformée, imprimèe à Geneve onse fois. Divisé en douze livres. Monstrant la difference des vrairs Martyrs d'avec les faux, corporellement executez en divers lieux. Tous les articles controversés de nostre foy y estans espliqués selon les authoritez de l'Escriture saincte & des anciens peres. Ensemble l'impie doctrine des Heretiques y refutée, pur la defense de l'Eglise Catholique, Apostolique et Romaine.
Lyon: Simon Rigaud, 1622.