Topic: 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
During the volatile period between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, the concept of martyrdom underwent significant reinterpretations across different Christian denominations. This section explores how Catholics, Protestants, and Anabaptists each uniquely perceived and portrayed martyrdom. Protestants, countering the Catholic notion of sainthood, crafted new martyrologies to establish a lineage of sacrifice rooted in what they deemed as true faith. Similarly, the Anabaptists viewed the state of persecution, as chronicled in their martyrologies, as a testament to being part of the true church. This collection includes a wide array of early modern Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, and Anabaptist printed sources and images. It is further enriched by a comprehensive bibliography spanning from the 19th to the 21st Century, offering modern perspectives on these historical interpretations
An apologye made by the reuerende father and constante martyr of Christe Iohn Hooper late bishop of Gloceter and Worceter againste the untrue and sclaunderous report that he should be a maintainer and encorager of suche as cursed the Quenes highnes that then was, Quene Marye. Wherein thou shalte see this godlye mannes innocency and modest behauioure: and the falsehode and subtyltye of the aduersaryes of Gods truth
London: Iohn Tisdale and Thomas Hacket , 1562.
The Heart of New-England Hardened Through Wickedness
London: Thomas Simmons, 1659.
Histoire d'Angleterre, de Cosse, et d'Irlande; avec un abregé des évenements les plus remarquables arrivés dans les autres etats; par Monsieur De Larrey, conseiller de la cour et des ambassades du Roi de Prusse. Tome quatrieme, qui contient l'histoire depuis Charles I jusqu'a Guillame III inclusivement. Enrichi des portraits des rois, reines, et autres personnes illlustres
Rotterdam: Fritsch et Böhm, 1713.
Certẽ Godly, Learned and Comfortable Conferences, Betwene the Two Reverende Fathers, and Holye Martyrs of Christe, D. Nicolas Rydley Late Bysshope of London, and M. Hughe Latymer Sometyme Bysshope of Worcester, During the Tyme of Theyr Emprysenmentes: Whereunto is Added a Treatise Agaynste the errour of Transubstantiation / made by the sayd Reverende Father D. Nicolas Rydley
n. p.: n. p., 1556.
4. Sacrifice and Eucharist (16th-18th Century) 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th Century)
Dr. Walker's True, Modest, and Faithful Account of the Author of Eikōn basilikē, Strictly Examined, and Demonstrated to Be False, Impudent, and Deceitful. In Two Parts, the First Disproving It to Be Dr. Gauden's. The Second Proving it to Be King Charles the First's
London: R. Talor, 1693.
Von Er Lenhard Keiser ynn Beyern vmb des Evangelij willen verbrandt Eine selige geschicht.
Wittenberg: Hans Lufft, 1528.
Vorrede zu Robertus Barns' Glaubensbekenntnis.
Wittenberg: Nickel Schirlenz, 1540.