Topic: 6. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology after Reformation (16th-18th century) – Image Gallery
A broadside on Jesuit martyrs; with an engraving divided into 112 compartments with 102 images of the first martyrs from 1549 to 1608, one emblem showing an arm holding two anchors, and with engraved text by Petrus Ribadaneira (1608)
from: Effigies et Nomina Quorundam e Societate Iesu, Cologne, 1608
London, British Museum
Emblematic print referring to the execution of Charles I and the Stuart succession (1715)
British Museum, London
Anneken Jans uyt den Briel, verdronken tot Rotterdam, met, en Beneffens Christina Michiel Barents van Leuven, op den 23. January, Anno 1539. (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 143
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Henricus Zudphen (1604)
from: Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van, De historien de vrome martelaren, 1609, p. 100
Biblotheek Rotterdam
Execution of Jan Woutersz van Cuyckand of Adriaenken Jansdochter (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 567
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Order and Manner of the Burning of the Constant Martyr of Christ, John Lambert. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library
The Martyrdom of the Carthusian Monks, of Richard Reynolds and John Hales. 1535 (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 28
The Description of the Burning of Mr. John Bradford Preacher, and John Leaf a Prentice. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library
The Death of the King (18th Century)
British Museum, London
P. Edmundus Campianus, et P. Alexander Briantus Angli S. I. pro Fide suspensi et secti Londini in Anglia A. 1581. 1. Decembris. (17th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London
Nocturnae per Domos Inquisitiones. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Descriptiones quaedam illius inhumanae et multiplicis persecutionis, quam in Anglia propter fidem sustinent catholice christiani, Rome, Franciscus Zannettus, 1584, p. 2
Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 75
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
The woodcut on the title page of Dye histori depicts the martyrdom of Heinrich Voes and Johann van Esschen (1523). The image shows the two Augustinian monks tied to stakes amidst flames, symbolizing their execution by fire (1523)
from: Dye histori so zwen Augustiner Ordens gemartert seyn tzu Bruxel in Probant von wegen des Evangeli
The Persecution of the English Catholic Laity and Priests (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 34
Augustyn op een ladder gebonden en verbrant (1736)
from: Joost, B. 't merg van de historien de martelaren, Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1736, p. 176
Bodleian Library, Oxford
P. Robertus Southuell, Soc. Iesu Londini pro Cath. fide suspensus et sectus. 3. mar. 1595. (1608)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London
Execution of Quakers (1661)
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Corpses of Anabaptists on the Gallows Field, 1535 (17th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Drowning of Heinrich Sumer and Jakob Mandel (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 750
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
P. Petrus Wrichtus Anglus Soc. Iesu odio Sacerdoij Catholici suspensus, et membratim dissectus, in Anglia Londini. A. 1651. 29. Maij. (17th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London
P. Franciscus Pagius Anglus Soc: IESU Londini in Anglia pro Fide Suspensus et Sectus. 30. Apr. 1602. (18th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London
Martyrs Burnt (1700)
from: Martyrs in Flames: or The History of Popery, London, Nath. Crouch, 1700
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
Beheading of Hans Wiesel. Warthausen, 1571 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 561
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Charles I. Roi d'Angleterre décapité à Whitehall le 30e Janvier 1649 (1730)
from: Larrey, Isaac de. Geschiedenis van Engelandt, Schotlandt en Ierlandt; met een kort begrip der aanmerkelykste zaken, in andere ryken en staten voorgevallen. In het Fransch beschreven door den Heere De Larrey, Hof-en bezendings-raadt van zyne koninklyke majesteit van Pruissen. In het Nederduitsch uitgegeven, en uit de openbare gedenkschriften van Engelandt en de allernaauwkerigste oude en nieuwe schryvers merkelyk vermeerdert en verandert door Jan Lodewyk Schuer. Met heerlyke afbeeldselen en landkaarten versiert. Vieerde deel, Amsterdam, Joh. Covens en Corn. Mortier, 1730, vol. 4, p. 1
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Tirannien Tegen de Gereformeerden in Vrankryk (1689)
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
The Royal Martyr King Charles the First (1735)
British Museum, London
Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 79
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
The Talke Betwene Maister Bradford, and Two Spanish Friers (16th Century)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Jaques d'Auchy in de Gevangenis Vermoort (1736)
from: Joost, B. 't merg van de historien de martelaren, Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1736, p. 201
Bodleian Library, Oxford
Michael Servetus Hispanicus de Aragonia (1609)
from: Michael Servetus een Spangiard. Amsterdam,1607
The University of Edinburgh
Martyrdoms of the Bishops Ridley and Latimer, who Were Burnt Together in One Fire at Oxford. [1765]
Wellcome Collection, London
Het tooneel der Enghelsche ellenden [1651]
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Martyrdom of the Carthusians of Bourg Fontaine (1626 - 1632)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
Karel Stuard Koning van Groot Brittanien. Binnen Londen Onthalst den 13 van Januari 1649 (1698)
from: Bos, Lambert van den. Treur-toonneel der doorluchtige mannen, of Op- en Ondergang der grooten, vertoont in rampzalige geschienissen van Keyzers, Koningen, Prinsen, Vorsten, en andere voorname personagien. Beginnende met het Roomsche Keizerryk, en vervolgende tot aan 't jaar 1698. Uit menigte van schryvers, en verscheidene taalen, by een gebracht door Lambert van den Bosch. Tweede deel, bevattende de derde en vierde afdeeling, Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1698, vol. 2, p. 404.
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Torture of Joost Joosten. Veere, 1560 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 283
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Hendrik Pruyt, Anno 1574 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 691
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
El Beato John Houghton (17th Century)
Museo de Bellas Artes de Cádiz. Cádiz
Execution of Carthusians in 1535 (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London
The Executions in England of Members of the Venerable English College of Rome, and the English College at Douai and Rheims, 1582-1583. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 35
Bertrand de Blas (1604)
from: Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van, De historien de vrome martelaren, 1609, p. 346
Bibliotheek Rotterdam
Execution of Three Carthusian Martyrs in 1535 (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London
Renowned Jesuits: Georgius Fernandez. Gomezius Damrillus, Edumndus Campianus, Alexander Briant, Thomas Cottamus (1608)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London
Konincklick memoriael (1649)
from: Eikon Basilike. Konincklick memoriael. War in het innerlijk gemoet van sijne H. Mojesteyt Carolus Stuart Koninck van Engelandt, Schotlandt en Yrlandt, naer 't leven afgebeeldt wordt. In sijne gevanckenis en lijdsaemheyt by hem selver in 't Engelsch beschreven; en in Nederduytsch vertaelt, Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1640, Frontispice.
British Museum, London
De Koningh is verstoort, om dat sijn Vrouwen twisten. Daerom hy d'een onthoost en soo de twist doet slissen. (1660)
from: Hortensius, L. Oproeren der Wederdoperen, geschiet tot Amsterdam, Munster en in Groeningerlandt, Samuel Imbrechts, Amsterdam, 1660, p. 90
Bibliotheek Universiteit van Amsterdam
Burial alive of Anneke van den Hove (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 792
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Ellert Jansz met 5 medebroederen en Zuster: Verbrandt (1736)
from: Joost, B. 't merg van de historien de martelaren, Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1736, p. 136
Bodleian Library, Oxford
Men nypt lan Bokelsz. hier met gegloeyde rangen, En wortter Thooren van St. Lamberts uyt gehangen. (1660)
from: Hortensius, L. Oproeren der Wederdoperen, geschiet tot Amsterdam, Munster en in Groeningerlandt, Samuel Imbrechts, Amsterdam, 1660, p. 147
Bibliotheek Universiteit van Amsterdam
Burning of Anneken (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 539
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Louwerens Jansz Nooddruft van Delft. 1577 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 747
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
from: Samuel Clarke, A Generall Martyrologie (London, 1651)
Met de voeten opwaerts ghelijck bonden, zijn sy aen een Galge gekņocht. Haer Capiteyn boven haer gebonden, soo werdt dar loon na't werck volbrocht. (1660)
from: Hortensius, L. Oproeren der Wederdoperen, geschiet tot Amsterdam, Munster en in Groeningerlandt, Samuel Imbrechts, Amsterdam, 1660, p. 133
Bibliotheek Universiteit van Amsterdam
Joris Wippe in een vat verdronken (1736)
from: Joost, B. 't merg van de historien de martelaren, Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1736, p. 198
Bodleian Library, Oxford
Horribilia scelera ab Huguenotis in Gallijs perpetrata. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 37
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Persecutiones adversus Catholicos à Protestantibus Calvinistis excitae in Anglia. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 77
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Martyrologium Romanum Frontespiece (1586)
from: Baronio, C. Martyrologium Romanum ad novam kalendarii rationem, et ecclesiasticae historiae veritatem restitutum. Gregorii XIII. Accesserunt notationes Atque Tractatio de Martyrologio Romano. Frontespiece
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
The Martyrdom of King Charles the 1st (?th Century)
British Museum, London
A Description of Lollards Tower, where Mr. Richard Hunne was Murthered. (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library
Horribilia scelera ab Huguenotis in Gallijs perpetrata. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 41
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Execution of the Anabaptists on the Scaffold on the Dam, 1535 (17th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The Burning of Richard Yeoman Minister at Norwich 1558 July 10. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library
Corruptibilem pro incorruptibile (1717)
British Museum, London
bottom left, Cranmer, Bishop Nicholas Ridley, and Bishop Hugh Latimer burning at the stake, with Queen Mary I and a monk observing from a balcony above (1682)
from: Engraved title-page to Gilbert Burnet, 'The Abridgment of the History of the Reformation of the Church of England' (London, Richard Chiswell, 1682)
London, British Museum
Simon den Kramer, Anno 1553. (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 149
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Spanish Inquisition (1700)
from: Martyrs in Flames: or The History of Popery, London, Nath. Crouch, 1700
The Royal Collection Trust, UK
The Bishops who suffer'd Martyrdom for the Protestant Faith; under the Persecution of Queen Mary I [1700]
National Portrait Gallery, London
The Cruell Burning of Geroge Marsh, Martyr. (1570)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library
P. Thomas Cottamus Anglus S. I. pro Fide Christi suspensus, et sectus. Londini in Anglia. A. 1582. 30 Maij. (17th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London
Thomas Bilney sijn vinger ettelicke maael in de keers stekende, omsijn vleesch alsoo in 't toekomende lijden tot den brandt te beteyden. (1659)
from: Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van. Historie der martelaren, 1659, fol. 77
Ghent University
The Cruell Handling of William Gardiner an English Merchant, in Portugall (1563)
from: Foxe, J. Book of Martyrs, 1684
Atla Digital Library
Horribilia scelera ab Huguenotis in Gallijs perpetrata. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 55
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Hanging of Jan Smit from the Gallows (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 641
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Execution of Charles the First (1649)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Beheading of Wolf Binder. Schärding, 1571 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 540
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Loyall Martyrology (1665)
from: Winstanley, William. The Loyall Martyrology, or Brief Catalogues and Characters of the Most Eminent Persons Who Suffered Their Conscience During the Last Times of Rebelion, Either by Death, Imprisonment, Banishment, or Sequestration; Together With Those Who Were Slain in the Kings Service. As Also, Dregs of Treacehry: With the Catalogue and Characters of Those Regicides Who Sat as Judges on Our Late Dread Soveraign of Ever Blessed Memory; With Others of That Gang, Most Eminent for Villany. For Encouragement to Virtue, and Determent from Vice, London, Thomas Mobb-Edward Thomas, 1665, Frontispiece
British Museum, London
Burning of David van der Leyen and Levina Ghyselius. Ghent, 1554 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 161
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Horrenda inhumanitatis à Geusijs Belgicis peracta. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 65
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Horribilia scelera ab Huguenotis in Gallijs perpetrata. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 43
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Pieter Pietersz Bekjen, om het getuygenis Jesu Christi, tot Amsterdam levendigh verbrandt, op den 26. Februarij, Anno 1569. (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 385
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Horribilia scelera ab Huguenotis in Gallijs perpetrata. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 51
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Torture of Hans Bret. Antwerp, 1576 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 729
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Execution of Carthusians in 1535 (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London
Carthusians Arrested (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London
Ioannes Bradeford Mart. (1620)
National Portrait Gallery, London
The Martyrdom of Edmund Campion (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea siue Sanctorum Martyrum, Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, p. 33
Horrenda inhumanitatis à Geusijs Belgicis peracta. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 63
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Burning of Leonhard Kayser. Scharding, 1527 (1685)
from: Braght, T. J. van. Martyrs' Mirror, book 2, 1685, p. 10
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Apprehensiones. Catholicorum. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Descriptiones quaedam illius inhumanae et multiplicis persecutionis, quam in Anglia propter fidem sustinent catholice christiani, Rome, Franciscus Zannettus, 1584, p. 1
Horrenda inhumanitatis à Geusijs Belgicis peracta. (1587)
from: Verstegan, R. Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. 1587, p. 59
Kaiserliche Koenigliche, Hofbibliothek, Vienna
Jan de Backer van Woerde (1604)
from: Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van, De historien de vrome martelaren, 1609, p. 104
Bibliotheek Rotterdam
Tormenta in Carceribus Inflicta. (1584)
from: Cavalieri, G. B. Descriptiones quaedam illius inhumanae et multiplicis persecutionis, quam in Anglia propter fidem sustinent catholice christiani, Rome, Franciscus Zannettus, 1584, p. 3
Execution of Carthusians in 1535 (1555)
from: Horibilis Damnatio Praeclarissimi Doctoris Apvd Parisios Et Salvberrima Cartvsianae Vinae Origo, Rome, P. P. Palumbo
The British Library, London