Topic: 4. Sacrifice and Eucharist (16th-18th Century)
The redemptive role of Christ’s sacrifice was at the centre of early modern doctrinal controversies. During this time, the debate revolved around the sacramental role of the sacrifice in the eucharist and the Mass. This section contains numerous early modern printed sources and images, as well as the related bibliography on the theme (19th-21st Century).
The sacrifice of thankefulnesse A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the third of December, being the first Adventuall Sunday, anno 1615
London: Thomas Purfoot, for Clement Knight, 1616.
Vida del siervo de Dios exemplar de sacerdotes el venerable Padre Fernando de Contreras, natural de esta ciudad de Sevilla, del abito clerical de N.P.S. Pedro. Escrita de orden del Dean y Cabildo de esta Santa, Metropolitana, y Patriarchal Iglesia [...] por el padre Gabriel de Aranda de la Compañía de Jesus. Impressa à expensas y solicitud de un capitular de la misma Santa Iglesia. Con Licencia.
Seville: Thomas Lopez de Haro, 1692.
Disputatio de aquae transmutatione in sacrificio missa
Antwerp : Martinus Nutius, 1628.
Libelli duo in misoliturgos, hoc est, missae osores quorum prior de Iudaeorum paganorumque sacrificiis generatim, posterior vero de unico Christianorum sacrificio late tractat
Gand: Cornelius Manilius, 1556.
The royall priesthood of Christians: an excellent treatise, wherein the nature of the priesthood, the function of the priests, and qualitie of the sacrifice is lively portrayed, for the sure building up of the faithfull professors of the gospell, in holinesse and sanctitie of life
London: T. Este for Thomas Man, 1605.
Disputationes De controversiis christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos
Ingolstadt: Sartorius, 1581 - 1593.
De ficticio Missae Sacrificio argumenta Sophistarum Pontificiorum cum refutationibus eorundem. Argumenta vera, firma, & perspicua contra Sacrificium Missae Papisticae
[Magdeburg]: [Christianus Rhodius], 1550.
De la Liturgie, ou Traité sur le saint sacrifice de la messe
Paris: n. p., 1854.
De sacrificio Missae tractatus asceticus. Continens praxim attentè, deuotè, & reuerenter celebrandi
Rome: Fabius de Falchus, 1658.