Boyd, Robert; Mure, William

A spirituall hymne or The sacrifice of a sinner : to be offred vpon the altar of a humbled heart, to Christ our Redeemer. Inverted in English sapphicks, from the Latine, of the reverend, religious, and learned divine, Mr Robert Boyd of Trocborege. By Sr William Mure yo: of Rowallane knight. By whom is also annexed a poeme, entituled Doomes-day. Containing, hells horrour, and heavens happinesse

A spirituall hymne or The sacrifice of a sinner : to be offred vpon the altar of a humbled heart, to Christ our Redeemer. Inverted in English sapphicks, from the Latine, of the reverend, religious, and learned divine, Mr Robert Boyd of Trocborege. By Sr William Mure yo: of Rowallane knight. By whom is also annexed a poeme, entituled Doomes-day. Containing, hells horrour, and heavens happinesse

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