Topic: 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century)

Religious sacrifices across various cultures and contexts sparked widespread interest in Early Modern Europe. As Christianity expanded into regions inhabited by "infidels" and "pagans", Europeans encountered a diverse array of sacrificial customs, ranging from the Sati rituals in India to the Aztec sacrifices in the Americas. This cross-cultural exposure captivated a wide audience, including theologians, philosophers, political thinkers, antiquarians, orientalists, missionaries, poets, artists, and even the general public. These encounters broadened the European understanding of sacrifice and led to a critical reassessment of classical and biblical sacrificial rites. This section includes:

  • Sources: A selection of early modern printed materials, which include descriptions of the Americas, Asia, and Africa, alongside antiquarian and philological studies on religious sacrifice in classical antiquity and beyond. It also presents early modern works of ethnological observations and the first attempts to compare different sacrificial practices in various traditions and contexts, laying the groundwork for disciplines like the history of religions and anthropology.
  • Iconographic Representations: A rich collection of images from the 16th to 18th centuries, illustrating a range of sacrificial rituals and practices as seen in different cultural and geographical contexts.
  • Related Bibliography: An extensive bibliography spanning scholarly works from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing contemporary analyses and interpretations of these early studies and observations.

Displaying results from 1661 to 1680 of 1985

Tovar, Juan de

An Aztec Noble’s Sacrifice for his Country [1585]

from: Codex Ramírez or Tovar - Relación del origen de los indios que hábitan esta Nueva España según sus Historias

John Carter Brown Library

Tovar, Juan de

Human Sacrifice in front of the King [1585]

from: Codex Ramírez or Tovar - Relación del origen de los indios que hábitan esta Nueva España según sus Historias

John Carter Brown Library

Tovar, Juan de

Skulls at the Temple [1585]

from: Codex Ramírez or Tovar - Relación del origen de los indios que hábitan esta Nueva España según sus Historias

John Carter Brown Library

Townsend, P.; Wright Knust, J. - Várhelyi, Z. (Eds.)

Bonds of Flesh and Blood : Porphyry, Animal Sacrifice, and Empire

in: Ancient Mediterranean Sacrifice, pp. 214-231

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Trandafilova-Louka, O. E.; Balta, E. - Ölmez, M. (Eds.)

A Gagauz folk adaption of the Karamanlidika poem Abraham’s sacrifice: a comparative linguistic approach

in: Cultural encounters in the Turkish-speaking communities of the late Ottoman Empir, pp. 257-277

Istanbul: Isis, 2014.

Turcan, R.; Rudhart, J. - Reverdin, O. (Eds.)

Le sacrifice mithriaque: innovations de sens et de modalités

in: Le sacrifice dans l'Antiquité (Entretiens sur l'Antiquité classique de la fondation Hardt XXVII), pp. 343-358

Vandouvres - Genève: Fondation Hardt, 1981.

Ullucci, D. C.; Wright Knust, J. - Várhelyi, Z. (Eds.)

Contesting the Meaning of Animal Sacrifice

in: Ancient Mediterranean Sacrifice, pp. 57-74

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Displaying results from 1661 to 1680 of 1985