Keyword: Martyrdom
Relief of Saint Rodrigo Martyr (1793)
Iglesia de la Asunción (Choir stalls of the church), Cabra (Spain)
The woodcut on the title page of Dye histori depicts the martyrdom of Heinrich Voes and Johann van Esschen (1523). The image shows the two Augustinian monks tied to stakes amidst flames, symbolizing their execution by fire (1523)
from: Dye histori so zwen Augustiner Ordens gemartert seyn tzu Bruxel in Probant von wegen des Evangeli
The Martyrdom of Saint Serapius (1622)
Cuenca Cathedral, Main Altar. Cuenca (Spain)
Aparición de la Virgen a San Pedro Pascual [1670]
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos (Museu de Belles Arts), Valencia, Spain
Martyrdom of S. Eulogius and S. Leocricia of Cordoba [1910]
from: Historia de España, III vols., ed. M. Seguí, 1910-1927.
The Stoning of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr (Second half of 17th century)
Metsovo Folk Art Museum, Iannina
San Pedro Pascual (17th Century)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid (Spain)
San Pedro Pascual (detalle) (17th Century)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid (Spain)
Saint Pelayo being tortured by order of Abderramán III in Cordoba [17th Century]
Main Altarpiece of the parish Church of Saint Pelayo Martyr, Olivares de Duero (Valladolid, Spain).
Martirio di sant'Acacio e dei suoi diecimila compagni sul monte Ararat (post 1555)
from: Catalogo generale dei beni culturali
Museo del Cenacolodi Andrea del Sarto,Firenze
Martyrdom of the prophet Zakarīyā (Zechariah) (XVI)
from: Nīšāpūrī, Isḥāq Ibn-Ibrāhīm: Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Diez A fol. 3
Martyrdom of Zakariya (XVI)
from: ishâq nishâbûrî, qisas-i qur'ân. [Qazvin, Iran]
Paris, BnF, Persan 54, fol. 144v
The martyrdom of Jan van Essen and Hendrik Voes (1563)
from: Foxe’s Book of Martyrs
The martyrdom of the prophet Zakariya, who, taking refuge in a tree, was sawn in half by two men. (1605 - 1610)
from: This album of 104 folios known as the Clive Album
London, V&A Museum
The Martyrdom of Zakarîyâ (Zacharias), the father of John the Baptist, who is killed when the tree in which he is hiding is sawn in two (c. 1580)
from: Nīsābūrī, Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Manṣūr, Qisas al-Anbiyâ [Qazvin?]
The New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. Persian MS. 46, fol. 144
from: Samuel Clarke, A Generall Martyrologie (London, 1651)
Native Americans kill Catholic martyrs with bows and arrows, stones, knives, and spears. [1579]
from: Valades, Diego, Rhetorica christiana ad concionandi, et orandi usum accommodata, Petrucci, Perugia, 1579, p. 220
John Carter Brown Collections
Dergoumidas, Prestre Armenien condamné par le Grand Visir Ali Pacha, mourut Martir le 5 Novembre 1707. (1707 - 1708)
from: Ferriol, Ch., Marquis Le Hay & Mour, J.-B. van. Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant, tirees sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 et 1708, Le Hay et Duchange, Paris, 1714, engraving n. 85, pp. 44-47; [Also found in: Explication des cent estampes qui representent differentes nations du Levant avec de nouvelles estampes, Le Hay et Duchange, Paris, 1715].