Keyword: Martyrdom

Displaying results from 241 to 260 of 275

Pedrajas, Francisco Javier

Relief of Saint Rodrigo Martyr (1793)

Iglesia de la Asunción (Choir stalls of the church), Cabra (Spain)

Tosini, Michele (detto Michele di Ridolfo delGhirlandaio)

Martirio di sant'Acacio e dei suoi diecimila compagni sul monte Ararat (post 1555)

from: Catalogo generale dei beni culturali

Museo del Cenacolodi Andrea del Sarto,Firenze


Martyrdom of the prophet Zakarīyā (Zechariah) (XVI)

from: Nīšāpūrī, Isḥāq Ibn-Ibrāhīm: Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Diez A fol. 3



from: Samuel Clarke, A Generall Martyrologie (London, 1651)

Valades, Diego

Native Americans kill Catholic martyrs with bows and arrows, stones, knives, and spears. [1579]

from: Valades, Diego, Rhetorica christiana ad concionandi, et orandi usum accommodata, Petrucci, Perugia, 1579, p. 220

John Carter Brown Collections

Vanmour, Jean-Baptiste

Dergoumidas, Prestre Armenien condamné par le Grand Visir Ali Pacha, mourut Martir le 5 Novembre 1707. (1707 - 1708)

from: Ferriol, Ch., Marquis Le Hay & Mour, J.-B. van. Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant, tirees sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 et 1708, Le Hay et Duchange, Paris, 1714, engraving n. 85, pp. 44-47; [Also found in: Explication des cent estampes qui representent differentes nations du Levant avec de nouvelles estampes, Le Hay et Duchange, Paris, 1715].

Displaying results from 241 to 260 of 275