Martyrdom of S. Eulogius and S. Leocricia of Cordoba
Year: [1910]
From: Historia de España, III vols., ed. M. Seguí, 1910-1927.
Authority file:
Edited by: Michele Bosco
Related Documents:
Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo from Cordova (1655)
from: Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo (Engraving), Amsterdam, 1665.
San Pelagio y San Sancho. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Aurelio y Santa Sabigotho su Muge. Y San Jorge Monje. San Féliz y Santa Liliosa, su Muger. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Santa Flora, Mártir de Córdoba. Santa María, Mártir de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Perfecto, Pres[bitero] Proto-Martir de la Persecución Arábiga en Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card