Keyword: Human Sacrifice
Mass human sacrifice and symbolism of the Feathered Serpent Pyramid in Teotihuacan, Mexico
Tempe: Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers, 1995.
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1290)
Assisi, Basilica di S. Francesco, Basilica superiore
The Sacrifice of Isaac (s.d.)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Iglesia de San Sebastián, Cusco, Peru
The Sacrifice of Isaac (17th-18th)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Private Collection, Lima, Perú
Cylinder vase with prisoner and sacrificial scene (Maya)
San Francisco, Fine Arts Museums
Ibrâhîm [Abraham] holding a knife is about to sacrifice his son Ismâ'îl (Ishmael) who kneels before him (1580)
from: Qisas al-Anbiyâ [Qazvin?]
The New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. Persian MS. 46
Martyrdom of Zakariya (XVI)
from: ishâq nishâbûrî, qisas-i qur'ân. [Qazvin, Iran]
Paris, BnF, Persan 54, fol. 144v
Qābil (Cain) and the dead Hābil (Abel) (XVI)
from: Nīšāpūrī, Isḥāq Ibn-Ibrāhīm: Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Diez A fol. 3
Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1495)
from: Raoul Le Fèvre: Recueil des histoires de Troie (Belgium)
Paris, BnF, Français 22552, fol. 227
Sacrifice of Jephthah (1461)
from: Speculum humanae salvationis (Belgium)
Lyon. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms 245, fol. 125
Santiago matamoros (XIII)
from: Guitiriz, Lugo (Spain)
Church of Santa María de Labrada (frescos)
The martyrdom of the prophet Zakariya, who, taking refuge in a tree, was sawn in half by two men. (1605 - 1610)
from: This album of 104 folios known as the Clive Album
London, V&A Museum
The Martyrdom of Zakarîyâ (Zacharias), the father of John the Baptist, who is killed when the tree in which he is hiding is sawn in two (c. 1580)
from: Nīsābūrī, Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Manṣūr, Qisas al-Anbiyâ [Qazvin?]
The New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. Persian MS. 46, fol. 144
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1270-1274)
from: Psalterium Parisiense, Psautier dit de saint Louis (France)
Paris, BnF, Latin 10525, fol. 10
The Sacrifice of Isaac (16th)
from: Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ, Nīšāpūrī, Isḥāq Ibn-Ibrāhīm
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Diez A fol. 3
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1200-1300]
from: Les « Histoires Roger », ou Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César , composée par un clerc sous les auspices du châtelain de Lille, Roge
Paris, BnF, Français 20125, fol. 35