Keyword: Self-Sacrifice – Image Gallery
Scene of a Sati, with a woman throwing herself into the flames amid a crowd playing trumpets. Above, a winged devil holds the banner with the book's title and the torch with which he lights the ritual fire. (1670)
from: Abraham Rogerius, Le Théâtre de l’idolatrie ou la porte ouverte, Amsterdam, Jean Schipper, 1670, title page
Samson's Death (1646)
from: Sichem, Christoffel van, de Jonge; B. Blens; J. Klooster, Bybels lusthof, ofte Twee hondert en veertig, zoo historien als leeringen des Bybels; uyt het Oude- en Nieuwe Testament, met de scriftuurplaatsen daar toe dienendeBybels lusthof, ofte Twee hondert en veertig, zoo historien als leeringen des Bybels; uyt het Oude- en Nieuwe Testament, met de scriftuurplaatsen daar toe dienende, Jan Klooster, Amsterdam 1740, p. 69 [It appears also in: Christoffel van Sichem, Bibels Tresoor ofte der zielen lusthof. Amsterdam, P.J. Paets, 1646]
Samson Destroying the Temple of the Philistines (1584)
from: The Story of Samson, Published by Gerard de Jode (Netherland)
Harvard Art Museum
Samson pulling down the column of the temple (1470)
from: The Florentine Picture-Chronicle
The British Museum, London
Samson destroys the temple (15th)
from: Boccaccio, De casibus virorum illustrium
Paris, BnF, Ms Français 233 fol. 28
Manner in which the Women in India Burn (1728)
from: Picart, B. Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses des Peuples Idolatres, tome II, Amsterdam, 1728
London, Wellcome Collection
Il est glorieux de mourir pour sa patrie (1795)
Musée Carnavalet, Paris
Idolatres (1685)
from: Allain Manesson Mallet, Description de l'Univers, , contenant les differents systêmes du monde, les cartes générals et particulières de la géographie ancienne et modern. Vol.: De l'Asie.
Relief of Samson destroying the Temple (XVI)
Venice, Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Sala Capitolare, portale dello scalone
Numancia (1880 - 1881)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid (Spain)
Suttee, with Lord Hastings shown as accepting bribes to allow its continuation (1815)
London, Wellcome Collection
Scene of a sati. In the foreground, a widowed woman (encountered by Della Valle on November 12, 1623) on horseback holds a mirror and a lemon amidst a crowd. In the background, a woman throws herself into the flames of a funeral pyre (1665)
from: Della Valle, Pietro, De volkome beschryving der voortreffelijke reizen van de deurluchtige reisiger Pietro della Valle, edelman van Romen, in veel voorname gewesten des werrelts, sedert het jaer 1615, tot in 't jaar 1626 gedaan. Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1666, vol. 5, pag. 163
On doit à sa patrie le sacrifice de ses plus chères affections (1795)
Musée Carnavalet, Paris
In left background the death of Samson among the pillars of the temple (1625-1630)
from: Icones Biblicae', published by Merian in Frankfurt
The British Museum, London
A scene of Sati ritual Souryabha. Femme duchadja Jasingha se brulant. On represente icy la maniere en laquelle se brusla une femme de Radja Jasing appellée en la langue Indienne - Souryabha, qui veut dire lumiere du soleil, elle se brusla sans faire paroistre acucune crainte du feu ni de la mort. (1678-1686)
from: Nicolo Manucci, Histoire de l'Inde depuis Tamerlank jusquà Orangzeb [ms Libro Rosso, fol. 50v]
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Handprints of women who committed sati
Wall of the Junagarh Fort (Bikaner, Rajasthan, India)
the young Hindu woman accompanies her bridegroom's coffin to the funeral pyre and decides to commit sati (1657)
from: Walters manuscript W.649 (Burning and Melting)
The Walters Art Museum
Samson Hostes Suos Exitio Dans Moritur [1711 - 1720]
from: Bernard Picart; Gerard Hoet, Figures de la Bible, Amsterdam, B. Picart, 1720
Samson destroys the temple (15th)
from: Boccaccio, De casibus virorum illustrium. Translated by Laurent de Premierfait
Paris, BnF, MS Français 235 fol. 38v
The Funeral of Freedom (1769)
British Museum, London
Sati Funeral Practice (1611)
from: Johannes Isacius Pontanus, "Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium historia", Amsterdam, 1611, p. 189
Suicide of a Woman on an Altar (1532)
from: Francesco Petrarca, Von der Artzney bayder Glück, des guten vnd widerwertigen: unnd weß sich ain yeder inn Gelück und Unglück halten sol; auß dem Lateinischen in das Teutsch gezogen, Augspurg, Steyner, 1532, p. clviii
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Samson's Death (1549)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Samson breaking the pillars of the house of the Philistines [1530-1549]
Bologna, Chiesa di San Domenico (coro ligneo)
Suttee. Gouache painting by a painter of Thanjavur (Tanjore) [1800]
from: Tanjore
London, Wellcome Collection
Self-sacrifice of King Codrus of Athens (1432)
from: Speculum humanae salvationis, Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Ms Vit. 25-7 (olim B. 19), fol. 24r
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid
from: La Saincte Bible, Contenant le Vieil and la Nouveau Testament, Enrichie de plusieurs belles figures/Sacra Biblia, nouo et vetere testamento constantia eximiis que sculpturis et imaginibus illustrata, De Limprimerie de Gerard Jollain
The Death of Samson [1650]
Getty Center, Museum East Pavilion, Los Angeles
Satī, from a Sūz u Gudāz manuscript. The pyre; the bride preparing to sacrifice herself (1650)
from: Nawʻi Khabushani, Muhammad Riz̤a, Sūz u Gudāz, fol. 31v
Chester Betty Library, Dublin, Ireland MS Pers 268, fol. 31b
Jewel depicting Samson knocking down the columns of the Temple of Dagon [1600]
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Satī. The bride immolates herself on the funeral pyre (1657)
from: Isfahan, Iran
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Satī (17th)
from: Manuscript, Iran
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, The Norma Jean Calderwood Collection of Islamic Art
Samson Self-Sacrifice (1570)
from: Biblia, Das ist Die gantze Heylige Schrifft Teutsch Mart. Luth., Sampt einem Register und schoenen Figuren, Franckfurt am Mayn, Johann Wolffen und David Zephelij, Erben, 1570, fol. 143v
Candrahasa sacrifices himself cutting off pieces of his own flesh and putting them on the fire [1598]
from: Razmnāmah by Abhinanda, India (The last volume of the Persian translation of the Mahābhārata commissioned in 990 by Akbar)
London, British Library, Or 12076 folio: 90v
Brahmin undergoing the test of fire after prolonged penance and yoga practices; Yogi dragging heavy iron chains; and a man tied to a tree who has chosen to embrace death (1670)
from: Abraham Rogerius, Le Théâtre de l’idolatrie ou la porte ouverte, Amsterdam, Jean Schipper, 1670, p. 252
Iudic. XVI, ad populi caecus Samson ludibria ductus diruit en valida vasta theatra manu [1712]
from: C. Wiegel, Historiae celebriores veteris testamenti iconibus representatae, et ad excitandas bonas meditationes selectis epigrammatibus exornatae in lucem datae a Christophoro Weigelio, Noribergae, 1712, n. p.
Thomas Wentworth Speaks before His Execution (1701)
from: Ludolff, Hiob. Allgemeine Schau-Bühne der Welt, oder: Beschreibung der vornehmsten Welt-Geschichte. Deel II, Frankfurt am Main, Johann David Zunnern, 1701, vol. 2, p. 905
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Samson breaks down the pillars of the temple and kills the Philistines and himself. (1547)
Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
The Fatal Sacrifice (18th Century)
Wellcome Collection, London
Immolation of a Hindoo Widow (1814)
from: Lester. The Gallery of Nature and Art, 1814
London, Wellcome Collection
Venerable María del Refugio Aguilar Torres (portrait) (20th Century)
Real Monasterio El Puig De Santa María, Order of Mercy. El Puig, Valencia (Spain)
Samson Destroying the Temple [1550 - 1560]
National Gallery of Arts, Washington DC
Samson Destroying the Temple of the Philistines (XVII)
Venezia, Museo Correr ( cl.III 1443)
Iud., cap. XVI, v. 29.30, Ultima Roboris Samsonici (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome quatrieme, tab. CCCLXXXVII
Samson and Delilah, beyond Samson forces two columns and causes the temple to collapse; (1553)
from: Martinus . Hemskerck. Inventor / Hieronimus. Cock. excud. 1553
The British Museum, London
The death of Samson; pushing two columns of the Philistine temple; a large number of Philistines falling from or being crushed by the collapsing building (1550)
from: Probably an illustration to Hans Lufft's High German Bible, printed in Wittenberg, 1550
The British Museum, London
Satī, from a Sūz u Gudāz manuscript. The union of the couple on the pyre (1657)
from: Sūz u Gudāz ms, Iran, Walters Manuscript W. 649, fol. 19b (Burning and Melting)
The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland
Handprints left by the wives of the maharaja before the Sati [1843]
Mehrangarh Fort, Rajasthan, India
Samson destroys the Temple (Armadi della Sagrestia con Tarsie Lignee) (XVI)
Napoli, Certosa e Museo Nazionale di San Martino
from: The Story of Samson, Hand-colored engravings (Netherlands)
The Metropolitan Art Museum, New York
Samson at the temple of Dagôn (1482)
from: Mirouer de la redempcion de l'umain lignage. Traducteur Julien Macho
Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale, Rés Inc 1043 f. 419
The Sacrifice of Mucius Scevola (17th Century)
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Dole
The Story of Samson [1525 - 1530]
Kunstmuseum, Basel
Samson's Sacrifice [1470 - 1475]
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Principibus Samson fatum crudele parabat, Dum basin frangit Utramque manu (1643)
from: Claes Jansz Visscher; Nicolaus Johannis Piscator, Theatrum Biblicum: Hoc est historiæ sacræ Veteris et Novi Testamenti tabulis æneis expressæ, [Amsterdam] C.J. Visscher, 1643
An old priest holding a sacrificial knife (1639)
from: illustration to Desmarets' 'L'Ariane' (Paris: Mathieu Guillemot, 1639)
British Museum, London
Olimpia (18th Century)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Samson Shattering the Pillars of the Temple [1550 - 1560]
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
from: Johannn Schönsperger, Speculum humanae salvationis, Augsburg, 1492 (Incunabula), fol. 119v
The Munich DigitiZation Center (MDZ)
Samson's Revenge [1730 - 1740]
Österreichisches Barockmuseum, Wien
Samson destroys the temple (1270-1274)
from: Psautier dit de saint Louis
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms Latin 10525, fol. 62
Samson pulling down the house at Gaza (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 35v
British Museum, London
from: Boccaccio, De casibus virorum illustrium, transl. by Boccace, De casibus, trad. Laurent de Premierfait
Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms Français 226, fol. 20v
Samson, mocked by the Philistines, throws down the pillars of the house [1350-1400]
from: Speculum humanae salvationis metrice cum figuris pictis (Germany)
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cim 3003
Samson breaking the pillars of the house of the Philistines (1535)
from: Chronica, Beschreybung und gemeyne anzeyge, Vonn aller Wellt herkommen....', Frankfurt: Christian Egenolph, 1535
The British Museum, London
Mucius Scevola in front of Porsenna (18th Century)
Musée de l’Hôtel Sandelin, Saint-Omer
Il dio Quetzalcoatl (1626)
from: V. Cartari - L. Pignoria, Seconda Novissima Editione Delle Imagini De Gli Dei Delli Antichi, 1626, p. 550