The death of Samson; pushing two columns of the Philistine temple; a large number of Philistines falling from or being crushed by the collapsing building
Year: 1550
From: Probably an illustration to Hans Lufft's High German Bible, printed in Wittenberg, 1550
Location: The British Museum, London
External link:
Edited by: Chiara Petrolini
Related Documents:
La Rappresentatione di Sansone
Florence: n. p., 1550.
Samson breaking the pillars of the house of the Philistines (1535)
from: Chronica, Beschreybung und gemeyne anzeyge, Vonn aller Wellt herkommen....', Frankfurt: Christian Egenolph, 1535
The British Museum, London
Samson Hostes Suos Exitio Dans Moritur [1711 - 1720]
from: Bernard Picart; Gerard Hoet, Figures de la Bible, Amsterdam, B. Picart, 1720
Samson's Revenge [1730 - 1740]
Österreichisches Barockmuseum, Wien