Keyword: Pagan Sacrifice – Image Gallery
Martirio de San Mauricio y la Legión Tebana (1582)
Sala de Capas, Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Spain)
Aeneas finds a sow with 30 piglets, and sacrifices her to Jupiter and Juno [1530]
from: Vergil, Aeneid (Limoges, France)
London, Victoria and Albert Museum (inv. 1604-1855) (1535)
from: Italy
National Gallery of Art, Washington
The Sacrifice of Lystra (1529-1530)
Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Aeneas Offers Sacrifice to the Gods of the Lower World (1530-1540)
from: Vergil, Aeneid, edited by Sebastian Brant and printed by Johann Grüninge (Limoges, France)
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Sacrificium Achas Regis Idololatrae IIII.Reg.XVI (1539)
from: Aemilius, Georg. Biblicae historiae, magno artificio depictae, et utilitatis publicae causa latinis epigrammatibus à Georgio Aemylio illustratae, Frankfurt, Christianus Egenolphus, [1539], p. Hiv(verso)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Pagan burnt offering in ancient Austria (1734-1737)
from: Alt- und Neues Oesterreich, Oder Compendieuse Universal-Historie Von dem alt- und neuen, geistlich und weltlichen Zustand dieses Lands, Bd. 4: Oesterreichisches Heydenthum, oder Völcker-Beschreibung der alten Zeiten vor und unter den Römern […], Wien: Heyinger, 1737
UB Heidelberg, B 6526 A RES
Qui fictos virtute Sacra reprende cultus Missus erat, sancte fata futura canit (?th Century)
Wellcome collection, London
The Triumph of the Eucharist [1625]
Museo del Prado, Madrid
A Pagan Sacrifice (1526)
National Gallery, London
Jeroboam Offering Sacrifice for the Idols (1752)
École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Aeneas sacrifices at the tomb of Anchises, a giant snake winds around the altar (1688)
from: Peplus virtutum Romanarum in Aenea Virgiliano eiusque rebus fortiter gestis, ad maiorem antiquitatis et rerum lucem, communi iuventutis sacratae bono, aere renitens) (Nuremburg: J.L. Buggel, 1688), pl. 18.
Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum
Jeroboam's Sacrifice at Bethel (1656)
Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg
Victims for Sacrifice (1793)
from: Dalzel, Archibad. The history of Dahomy, an inland Kingdom of Africa, London, T. Spilsbury and Son, 1793
Menelaus and Ulysses (17th Century)
Musée de la Faïence, Nevers
The Wicker Man of the Druids Crop (18th Century)
from: Pennant, Thomas. A Tour in Wales, London, H.D. Symonds, 1781
Aeneas and His Companions Sacrifice to the Gods before the Tomb of his Father, Anchises, in Sicily (1530–35)
from: Vergil, Aeneid, edited by Sebastian Brant and printed by Johann Grüninge (Limoges, France)
The Metropolitan Art Museum, New York
James Cook, English Navigator, witnessing Human Sacrifice in Taihiti (Otaheite) 1773ca. [1773]
from: Cook, James. Voyages, [Woodbridgen?], [Smith?], 1815
from: L'Enea vagante pitture dei Caracci (from the frescos in Bologna, Palazzo Fava)
Accademia dei Lincei, Fondo Corsini, Roma
The Sacrifice of Lystra (1515)
Vatican Museum, Vatican
Sacrifices among the Jagas (Sacrificio de Giaghi) (1665-1668)
from: Missione Evangelica al Regno del Congo [Araldi Ms, vol. C]
Gallerie Estensi, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, Modena
The sacrifice of a ram (1575)
from: Antoine Lafréry, Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, Roma 1575 ca.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Sacrifice of a Swan (1599–1622)
from: from "Ex Antiquis Cameorum et Gemmae Delineata/ Liber Secundus/et ab Enea Vico Parmen Incis
New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Human sacrifice in the forest (1660)
from: Johan Picardt, Korte beschryvinge van eenige vergetene en verborgene antiquiteten ... in het antiquiteet-rijcke landschap Drenth, Tymon Houthaak, Amsterdam, 1660, fol. 67
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Sacrifice to Pan (1771)
Colección particular, Zaragoza (Spain)
I. Regum XIII, Rumpitur Ara [1712]
from: C. Wiegel, Historiae celebriores veteris testamenti iconibus representatae, et ad excitandas bonas meditationes selectis epigrammatibus exornatae in lucem datae a Christophoro Weigelio, Noribergae, 1712, n. p.
Pagan Sacrifice of King Ahaz (1646)
from: Bibels tresoor, ofte der zielen lusthof, vytgebeelt in figueren, door verscheyden meesters. Ende gesneden, door Christoffel van Sichem, Amsterdam, P. I. Paets, 1646, p. 592
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
A King Compelled to Offer a Sacrifice by Two Gorgonians (17th Century)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Ancient Sacrifice (1535 - 1539)
Galerie François-Ier, château de Fontainebleau, Fontainebleau
Satyrs offering a sacrifice to Pan (1510)
Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano
The Idol Moloch with Seven Chambers or Chapels (1711)
from: Lund, Johann. Die Alten Jüdischen Heiligthümer, Hamburg, Fickweiler, 1711
The Great Sacrifice of the Canadians Indians (1723 - 1743)
from: Picart, Bernard; Bernard, Jean Frederic. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World, 1723-1743
Saxons worshipping their gods; the deities on a temple structure on l, priests dressed as bishops on r, smoke rising from sacrifices at centre. (1597)
from: Illustration to Peter Albinus, 'Außzug der Eltisten und fürnembsten Historien des uralten streitbarn und beruffenen Volcks der Sachssen ...', (Dresden) 1597. 1597 Hand-coloured etching and letterpress
The British Museum, London
Ancient Nordic Sami People Sacrifice and Pagan Religious Feast (1723 - 1743)
from: Picart, Bernard; Bernard, Jean Frederic. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World, 1723-1743
Sacrifice to Vesta (1771)
Colección Félix Palacios Remondo, Zaragoza (Spain)
The Punishment of Korah and the Stoning of Moses and Aaron (1481 - 1482)
Sistine Chapel, Wall, Vatican
Four Classical Figures (Pagan Sacrifice) (1638)
Metropolitan Museum, New York
Pagan sacrifice (17th)
from: Catalogo generale dei Beni Culturali
Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna, Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe
Idolatry of Jeroboam (1780)
from: Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken van Flavius Josephus, naar het Grieksch in 't Engelsch gebragt en verkort, waar by gevoegd is: de twee boeken van Josephus tegens Appion; zyn Richtsnor der Reden, of het martelaarschap der Macchabeen, en 't gezantschap van Philo den Jood aan den keizer Cajus Caligula. Uit het Engelsch in het Nederduitsch vertaald. Eerste deel, Amserdam, J. van Gulik, 1780, p. 300
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The sacrifice of the black Bull (1584)
Palazzo Fava, Bologna
Jeroboam Sacrificing to the Idols [1704 - 1744]
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The god Moloch with an infant in his arms as a sacrifice, (1738)
from: ohann Lund:
University of Heidelberg
Animal Sacrifice [1471]
Modena, Biblioteca Estense, Lat. 992
The Sacrifice of Pélias to Neptune (17th Century)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
The Athenians sacrifice to the newborn Minerva (1629)
from: Philostratus of Lemnos. Les images ou tableaux de platte peinture des deux Philostrates, sophistes grecs, et les Statues de Callistrate, tr. Blaise de Vigenère. Paris. 1629, p. 510
Warburg Institute
Sacrificial scene inspired by a work of Rosso Fiorentino (1542)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Sacrifice of Lystra (1515)
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Sacrificium sub Lege Naturae, Sacrificium sub Lege Moysis, Sacrificium sub Lege Evangelica (Three representations of sacrifices) (1588)
Royal Library of Belgium (S.IV 86279)