Sacrificial scene inspired by a work of Rosso Fiorentino
Year: 1542
Location: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Keywords: Pagan Sacrifice
Authority file:
Edited by: Marco Albertoni
Related Documents:
The Great Sacrifice of the Canadians Indians (1723 - 1743)
from: Picart, Bernard; Bernard, Jean Frederic. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World, 1723-1743
Sacrifice to Pan (1771)
Colección particular, Zaragoza (Spain)
Sacrifice to Vesta (1771)
Colección Félix Palacios Remondo, Zaragoza (Spain)
Human sacrifice in the forest (1660)
from: Johan Picardt, Korte beschryvinge van eenige vergetene en verborgene antiquiteten ... in het antiquiteet-rijcke landschap Drenth, Tymon Houthaak, Amsterdam, 1660, fol. 67
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
James Cook, English Navigator, witnessing Human Sacrifice in Taihiti (Otaheite) 1773ca. [1773]
from: Cook, James. Voyages, [Woodbridgen?], [Smith?], 1815