Editor: Marco Albertoni
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De sacrificiorum generibus theses theologicae
Basel: Conrad von Waldkirch, 1600.
A treatise conteyning the true catholike and apostolike faith of the holy sacrifice and sacrament ordeyned by Christ at his last Supper with a declaration of the Berengarian heresie renewed in our age: and an answere to certain sermons made by M. Robert Bruce minister of Edinburgh concerning this matter
Antwerp: Ioachim Trognesius, 1593.
Orthodoxorum Patrum Sententiae aliquot de Missali Sacrificio, explicatae per Doct. Urbanum Regium
Wittenberg: Georg Rhau, 1533.
Tableaux sacrez des figures mystiques du tres-auguste sacrifice et sacrement de l'Eucharistie dediez a la tres chrestienne royne de France et de Nauarre Marie de Medicis
Paris: Laurens Sonnius, 1601.
A criticism upon modern notions of sacrifices being an examination of Dr. Taylor's scripture-doctrine of atonement examined, In Relation I. To Jewish Sacrifices. II. To the Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. To which is added an appendix, containing an examination of another notion of Jewish sacrifices, which is exhibited in an anonymous Piece
London: C. Henderson, T. Becket, P. A. de Hondt, 1761.
La Rappresentatione di Sansone
Florence: n. p., 1550.
Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible
Amsterdam: Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737.
Dissertatio de sacerdotibus et sacrificis Aegyptiorum
Tübingen: Cotta, Johann Georg, 1768.
Censura Catholica thesium, De sacrificio Novi Testamenti, in Synodo Pastorum Lutheranorum Carlsruhae die X. Septembris MDCCL. ventilatrum
Heidelberg: Johann Jakob Haener, 1751.
An essay upon the nature, design and origin of sacrifices
London: [John] Knapton ; [Paul] Knapton, 1748.