The liturgical-discourse of the holy sacrifice of the masse by omission of controversial questions; abridged and accommodated to the pious use of devout Christians in hearing masse
The liturgical-discourse of the holy sacrifice of the masse by omission of controversial questions; abridged and accommodated to the pious use of devout Christians in hearing masse
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Holy altar and sacrifice explain'd: in some familiar dialogues on the mass, and what may appertain to it: For the more easy Information and Instruction of those who desire to hear Mass well, and to assist at that great Sacrifice, according to the Spirit and Intention of the Church. With an appendix, concerning saying mass in Latin, and of pronouncing the secret prayers and the canon with a low voice. By P.B.O.S.F.
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Tractatus de expositione misse seu de immolatione spiritalis agni & sacrificio nove legis
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