Editor: Christopher Martinuzzi
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The Devil's martyrs: or, plain dealing, in answer to the Jacobite speeches of those two Perjured Rebels William Paul, a Clergyman, and John Hall, a Justice of Peace; fairly proving, no British subject can be a true son of the Church of England that dies asserting that the Pretender has any rights to his Majesty's Crown. To which is added, The high-church martyrology: ... Written by Mr. John Dunton.
London: John Dunton, 1716.
Keywords: Glorious RevolutionMonmouth Rebellion
Commentarii rerum in ecclesia gestarum, maximarumque per totam Europam, persecutionum, a Vuicleui temporibus ad hanc usque aetatem descriptio, Liber primus
Strasbourg: Wendelinus Rihelius, 1554.
Keywords: MartyrologyProtestantism
The life and death of Mr. Edmund Geninges priest, crowned with martyrdome at London, the 10. day of Nouember, in the yeare M.D.XCI.
Saint Omer: Charles Boscard, 1614.
A cry from the dead, or, the ghost of the famous Mr. James Guthrie appearing: Being the last sermon he preached in the pulpit of Stirling, before his martyrdom at Edinburgh, June 1661. To which is added, his last speech upon the Scaffold.
Glasgow: William Duncan, 1738.
Keywords: English Civil WarPresbyterians